Leukocytosis in cats: causes, symptoms, prevention

Leukocytosis in cats, a delicate condition in the furry pet. Let’s see what it consists of, how it manifests itself and how it is possible to cure it.

There are health problems in the feline that you may not notice immediately, variations in its organism that can manifest themselves through important and serious symptoms, fundamental to know and recognize in your pet. Let’s see what leukocytosis in cats is and how it should be addressed.

Leukocytosis in cats: causes and symptoms

It is a disease that can affect the cat and this word is not enough to describe the factors that make it up and the symptoms with which it manifests itself. It is a very complex disorder that is important to know for your cat. We read specifically here in the article.

Over time, we also learn about the frailties of our domestic cat. The feline also has its sensitivity and its body cannot always resist everything.

Some diseases that put a strain on the cat are talked about too little and, instead, they should be better known to never be caught unprepared if you have the misfortune of being victims.

Leukocytosis is one of them. But what is it exactly? To be clear, let’s talk about the increase in white blood cells in the animal’s blood and they are the ones that defend its organism.

There are various categories of leukocytes, and when they rise, they occur: neutrophilic , eosinophilic , basophilic , lymphocytic , monocytic leukocytosis . Each form of leukocytosis has its own cause that we are going to see.

Neutrophilic leukocytosis

Neutrophilic leukocytosis (neutrophilia) involves an increase in neutrophils in the feline’s blood. These arise from bone marrow stem cells and have the task of ingesting and killing bacteria .

Neutrophilia can be caused by stress , anesthesia , chronic disease, metabolic disorders, a tumor or head injury in the cat .

But intense physical activity, excitement and fear , childbirth and cat convulsions are also triggers of neutrophilic leukocytosis.

Other causes of the disease can be bacterial and parasitic inflammation or infections, as well as burns , uremia and acute bleeding.

Eosinophilic leukocytosis

Eosinophilic leukocytosis (eosinophilia) occurs in the hairy when there is an increase in eosinophils in the blood, usually indicating parasitic or allergic disorders .

Parasitosis , flea allergy dermatitis in cats , food allergy and bronchial asthma cause eosinophilia . Other causes of the disease are infectious diseases, such as toxoplasmosis in cats and panleukopenia in cats .

Also, kidney failure in cats , heat, and cat hyperthyroidism are possible causes.

Basophilic leukocytosis

The basophilic leukocytosis (basophilia) is the form most rare since basophils are very few in the blood. Its main causes are cancer, diseases inflammatory , such as respiratory problems in cats , and even dermatitis by inhalation.

Lymphocytic leukocytosis

Lymphocytic leukocytosis (lymphocytosis) sees the increase of lymphocytes in the cat’s blood. The causes that trigger it can be forms of leukemia in cats , post vaccine reactions, chronic infections , and even high adrenaline.

Monocytic leukocytosis

Monocytic leukocytosis (monocytosis) occurs with the circulation of multiple monocytes in the blood of the hairy. Often associated with chronic disorders, this disease finds its causes in inflammatory and tumor stimuli , internal and external bleeding .

Still, the triggering causes in animals are cat anemia , dermatitis , trauma , stress and the administration of cortisone .

The feline and leukocytes: how to do good prevention

When the leukocytes vary in the blood of your pet, it is essential to keep these variations in its organism under control, carry out the necessary analyses and carry out the right prevention, in order to protect the health of the cat. We read better.

In the feline’s body, leukocytes, or white blood cells, have the goal of protecting his body from disease. If you notice one or more suspicious patterns in your cat, it is important to inform your veterinarian of confidence .

Under medical supervision, the feline’s urine will be analyzed in order to diagnose the form of leukocytosis in the animal.

The vet will proceed with cystocentesis, a technique with which he will detect the urine sample. With this method, any inflammation present , from the bladder to the cat’s kidneys , will be highlighted.

A change in the cat’s urinary habits is another sign of a possible cystitis in the cat or an accumulation of bladder stones.

These are problems that can become very dangerous for the affected animal, since metabolic changes can be generated . You need to act quickly and seek medical attention.

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