Javanese Cat health: common diseases of the breed

Knowing everything about the health of your pet is essential: here is the complete list of common diseases of the Javanese cat.

Identifying and promptly treating a pathology can make the difference for our four-legged friend. How to notice that the cat is sick? Cats tend to hide and conceal pain. For this, it is important to know everything about the health of your cat, in order to intervene promptly. Let’s find out together what are the common diseases in the Javanese cat .

Common diseases of the Javanese cat

The Javanese, also known as the Mandarin cat, is a cat that is in good health.

Tendentially strong and with a robust constitution, this cat has a lifespan of between 10 and 20 years , with an average of about 15 years.

In any case, in addition to being exposed to the onset of diseases that commonly arise in all domestic cats, this four-legged can develop genetic pathologies, which are inherited from one generation to another.

Among the common diseases of the Javanese cat are:

  • Renal amyloidosis
  • Progressive retinal atrophy

In addition to the genetic diseases that could affect this breed, common disorders in all domestic cats can also arise in the cat of the island of Java.

Some examples? Allergies, infections, skin irritations and pathologies of the oral cavity. For this reason, the cleanliness of our four-legged friend is essential.

Renal amyloidosis

Renal amyloidosis is one of the common diseases of the Javanese cat.

It is a degenerative kidney disease that can be very difficult to detect and diagnose.

It is caused by an accumulation of proteins, which the body cannot eliminate properly.

The most serious consequences of the disease are kidney failure and death. For this, it is imperative to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • Lethargy
  • Weight loss
  • Proteinuria
  • Hypertension
  • Ascites
  • Appearance of peripheral edema

Currently practicable therapies are focused on slowing the progression of the disease.

The most effective include stem cell treatments, chemotherapy and bone marrow transplants. In any case, the best weapon remains prevention.

In fact, it is necessary that animals affected by the genetic pathology are forbidden from reproduction.

Progressive retinal atrophy

Finally, progressive retinal atrophy closes the list of common diseases in the Javanese cat.

This is a degenerative eye condition that can affect one or both of the cat’s eyes.

What are the clinical signs that allow us to identify it promptly? Unfortunately, the cells of the retina begin to lose their functionality between the first 2 months of life and 3 years of the animal .

The effects of the visual impairment of the feline, however, are evident only from the fifth year of life of the furry cat. These include:

  • Hypersensitivity to light
  • Obesity in cats
  • Dilation of the pupils
  • Night blindness
  • Loss of peripheral or central vision

Unfortunately, there is no cure for this condition. The only way to do this is to ensure that the Javanese cat can quickly get used to its new condition.

Like? By setting up a safe and welcoming environment, in which the feline has everything they need to live peacefully by your side at their paw.

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