Javanese Cat care: brushing, bathing, grooming tips

Here’s everything you need to know about Javanese cat care: from brushing the coat to cleaning the ears.

The Javanese is a charming and delicate cat , how can you take care of it better? This is not a question purely related to aesthetics, but that has a profound effect on the health of our furry cat: let’s find out together everything there is to know about it.

Coat care of the Javanese cat

How to best take care of the Javanese cat’s coat?

The specimens of this breed are totally devoid of undercoat, which is why they tend to suffer from low temperatures.

For this, it is sufficient to brush them 1-2 times a week, proceeding against the grain and in the direction in which the coat grows.

By doing so, we will avoid the formation of knots and hairballs, identifying the presence of any parasites.

Which tool to use? The ideal would be a brush with long and soft bristle, which can make the weekly brushing a pleasant session even for the cat.

Bathing the cat yes or no?

Are you wondering if it is necessary to wash the Javanese cat, or not?

Domestic cats are extremely clean animals, which take care of their own personal hygiene.

For this reason, there is basically no need to bathe the cat.

There are some cases, however, where this may be necessary. For example, the furry cat ​​may have sneaked into particularly dirty and cramped holes, or spent a long period of illness.

How to proceed then? First of all, by selecting a type of detergent specifically formulated for cats.

The water temperature is essential: it must not be too hot or too cold. After washing and completely rinsing the cat’s coat, we can distribute cat conditioner on its coat.

The secret to truly shiny fur, however, lies in the cat’s diet.

Last decisive step: the drying of the feline. It is essential that the coat is totally dry, to prevent the animal from catching cold and getting sick.

Cleaning of eyes, ears and teeth

In addition to coat care, it is important to know how to clean the Javanese cat’s eyes, ears and teeth.

In fact, it is possible that accumulations of secretions are deposited around the eyes or inside the auricle of the cat.

The risk is that annoying irritation or dangerous infections may arise.

In the first case, just remove them with a gauze slightly moistened in warm water. In the second, however, it will be possible to use specially formulated sanitizing products, available in specialized stores.

Furthermore, the care of the domestic feline’s teeth is essential: an accumulation of plaque and bacteria, in fact, could cause the onset of diseases such as gingivitis and stomatitis.

For this reason, it is advisable to clean the cat’s teeth every day, using special toothpaste and a toothbrush , or sanitizing spreads to be distributed on its teeth.

Nail care of the Javanese cat

Finally, we just have to find out what there is to know about Javanese cat nail care.

Is it always necessary to cut the nails of your pet? In principle no: the cat tends to sharpen its claws by itself.

In some cases, however, it may be necessary to intervene. In fact, if the animal’s nails are excessively long and cause annoyance, encumbrance, or even risk , it is advisable to use a nail clipper and trim its claws.

How to do? Just press lightly on the paw, so that the nail comes out entirely. After that, it will be sufficient to eliminate only the outermost, non-vascularized portion.

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