Is your cat feeling cold? Understanding his signs and helping it in winter season

Even cat suffers from low temperatures despite having the body covered with a hairy coat. Here are the signs to be grasped to understand if the cat is cold and what remedies to offer him.

With the arrival of autumn and winter and the relative low temperaturescats also tend to stay warm at home more time. Despite having a coat that completely covers the body, cats much more sensitive to climate change than us humans suffer from low temperatures especially if they are puppies or elderly. Cats have a body temperature that is around 38-38.2 ° C and in addition to the cold they also suffer from humidity.

How to tell if your cat is cold

Watch your cat carefully, he will “send” various signals to let you know that he is feeling cold. Here’s what you will see.

  • Tremors – A cold cat, perhaps after a walk in the open air, will begin to tremble and shiver;
  • Wraps up – The cat that is feeling cold wraps up and stays under blankets, pillows and curtains. You can also find it in your bed, perhaps under the soft and warm duvet;
  • Choose heated surfaces – You will see your Kitty search and park on a temperate surface (near the fireplace or above the radiator for example);
  • Dry nose – The cat with a fever has a dry nose. If the fever is caused by the cold (and not by other diseases) you will have to gradually warm the environment and of course consult a veterinarian.

How to help a cold cat

If you have ascertained that your cat is cold you can help him with simple but effective remedies; you will see they will work and so cat will be better.

  • Combing the cat’s coat – The brushed coat renews itself faster, therefore it remains soft and able to retain heat and keep the cat warm. On the contrary, the shaggy coat is not very insulating so take care to always and carefully brush your cat;
  • insulate a pillow from the floor – You will need to prepare a small home where the cat can take refuge and feel less cold. You can take a pillow and isolate it from the cold floor, perhaps with a structure that supports it;
  • buying a “solution” ends – There are kennels or thermal blankets for cats on the market that reach 10 ° to 35 ° C more than the surrounding ambient temperature. It is one of the ways to heat a cat’s bed ;
  • check nutrition – diet is always an indispensable factor for the health of the cat. In winter, if cat is used to walking outside the door, you can increase / insert kibble richer in fat in his diet, the latter will contribute to the growth of a thicker coat able to protect him from the cold.

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