Injuries from foreign bodies in cats: what they are and how to behave

Injuries from foreign bodies in cats are very common due to the aptitude of these cats to run, chase, throw and play with everything they find in their way.

Cats are great playfuls and in addition to having fun with their toys they often use whatever they find in their way to bitethrow and chase; it can therefore happen that foreign bodies are injured or ingested. Obviously these are very dangerous situations for the health of these animals so it is necessary to intervene promptly to remove foreign bodies from the mouth, eyes, ears, nose and paws. Here are the most common foreign body injuries in cats and what to do.

How to intervene in case of injuries from foreign bodies in cats

The most common foreign bodies easily ingested by cats are fish bones and small chicken bones; these are particularly dangerous for the health and life of the feline. Symptoms of cat ingestion of a foreign body are:

  • respiratory difficulties;
  • retching;
  • abundant salivation;
  • attempts to remove the foreign body by placing the paws on the muzzle.

If you see that cat does not vomit immediately what has been ingested and the danger of suffocation is real you must run to the vet; attempting to remove the foreign body with tweezers may not help and you will waste valuable time.

If after a walk your cat limps or does not rest his paw well on the ground, it is very likely that he has a foreign body in his paw. Foreign bodies in this case can be:

  • steaks of wheat;
  • ears;
  • thorns;
  • splinters of wood or glass;
  • small stones;

and can cause injuries, pains and discomfort to the cat’s paw .

You can try to remove the foreign body with the help of tweezers and if you manage to do so you should immediately disinfect the cat’s wound. In case of failure you will need to contact your veterinarian.

When a foreign body ends up in the cat’s nose it will experience difficulty breathing, sneeze, and may even lose a nosebleed. In this case you can not help but run to the vet who will know how to intervene.

Foreign bodies in cats’ eyes are very dangerous for their eyesight. Do not try to remove the foreign body with tweezers or cotton swabs as this could even make the situation worse; run to the vet for necessary treatment.

Recognize the presence of a foreign body in the ear because Micio:

  • it touches its ears with its paws;
  • he scratches himself;
  • feels pain;
  • shakes his head.

If the body is clearly visible, try to remove it but if it is located deep, do not use tweezers or cotton swabs as you could accidentally push it deeper and cause serious injury to the cat’s eardrum. Also in this case, resorting to the care of the veterinarian is the best choice.

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