Ideal nutrition of the Burmilla Longhair Cat: food, quantity and frequency of meals

What is the best diet for Burmilla Longhair? Let’s find out the foods and quantities most suitable for this cat breed.

Developing a balanced and complete nutritional plan for our four-legged friend is the first step in ensuring that his life is long and healthy. In this article, we discover what characteristics the most suitable diet for Burmilla Longhair should possess, considering the frequent diseases to which it is exposed and its energy needs.

Nutrition of Burmilla Longhair: doses and frequency of meals

Planning the best nutrition for your Burmilla Longhair must necessarily take into account the quantities of food administered to the four-legged.

The specimens of this breed, in fact, are very active and energetic. For this, it is necessary to give them complete and nutritious meals, but at the same time well balanced.

The risk, in fact, is that the cat accumulates excess pounds, given its predisposition to obesity. In general, the recommended doses of dry and wet feed vary between 40 and 50 grams for each kg of body weight of the cat.

However, it would be preferable to contact the veterinarian to formulate a personalized food plan, which takes into account individual parameters such as weight, age, lifestyle and health of the animal.

How many times a day should the Burmilla Longhair be fed? There are two options to choose from. The first, more traditional, involves the administration of the baby food twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

The second, on the other hand, consists in dividing the ration intended for the cat into small portions, to be given during the day in the form of snacks.

What to feed the Burmilla Longhair

Finally, let’s find out which foods and nutrients are included in the ideal diet of the Burmilla Longhair.

Among the essential nutrients that the cat must take through food, there are: proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.

Meat must be the favorite source of proteins, fats and vitamins essential for the cat’s well-being, such as taurine and niacin.

Less frequently, the four-legged can also take on fish, such as cod, anchovies, sardines and plaice.

Depending on your preferences, you can opt for a homemade Burmilla Longhair diet. In this circumstance, you will be the one who has to prepare the meals for the cat.

Since the risk of nutritional deficiencies is very real, you should contact your vet to plan a diet complete with all the essential substances for the well-being of the cat.

Alternatively, you can opt for the purchase of industrial feed. In any case, the quality of the food chosen should be put first.

The specimens of this breed, in fact, are very delicate cats, since they have inherited from the Persian the predisposition to the development of kidney diseases, such as stones.

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