Hyperkeratosis in cats: what is important to know for cats

Hyperkeratosis in cats, an uncommon problem that can occur in animals. Let’s try to understand what it is specifically and what you need to know for the health of our feline.

Many qualities and habits are appreciated of the tender domestic cat, such as knowing how to be alone and the respect it knows how to show for its human master. This charming and irresistible furry man also has adorable physical characteristics, such as his paws, those pads that you always want to play with. But, sometimes, the grommets can be affected by some problems: we are talking about hyperkeratosis in cats.

Hyperkeratosis in cats

This is not a very common condition in the feline but it is good to know to be able to deal with it if it should occur. Let’s talk about a problem that affects the plantar pads of the cat. We read better here in the article.

The appearance of the cat is one of the things that is most appreciated about this incredible animal. One of its irresistible physical characteristics are its bearings, also called rubber pads. How many times do we happen to want to hold and caress them while we play with him?

However, this attitude of ours can be annoying to the furry friend of the house; the feline, in fact, does not tolerate much that its pads are touched and always withdraws them while we try to grab them. But what are the bearings and in what used to the cat?

The pads are nothing more than accumulations of skin and fat present near the toes of his paws. These are very delicate and sensitive and have very important protection functions, such as: to cushion while the furry cat ​​walks and runs, to act as a support when the cat jumps and are indispensable during hunting.

The feline also sweats through its pads, as they allow it to maintain the right body temperature. A cat’s pads can be affected by some problems, such as hyperkeratosis.

This annoying disease mainly affects the metacarpal and metatarsial pads. The causes of this uncommon problem are not known but it is a condition that must be kept under close observation by the veterinarian.

Hyperkeratosis in cats can naturally regress without any therapy. Usually, it occurs in the hairy with some symptoms such as softening of two or more pads and swelling therefore, medical consultation is necessary.

The feline and its bearing problems

We have seen that the cat’s pads are a fundamental part of the body, useful for living and moving everywhere. In addition to hyperkeratosis, the cat’s pads can suffer from other more common problems. Let’s see together what they are.

The rubber pads of the feline are an indispensable feature to ensure that he lives and moves freely, protected from any obstacle and supported in any dangerous situation inside and outside the home. Although they rest on the ground and are constantly in contact with all kinds of elements, the bearings can be attacked by other problems.

Cat pads suffer, for example, on paths full of pebbles, where these can cause accidental injuries in the cat, calluses, cuts due to sharp objects and even burns on the ground in a period in which it is too hot; as well as when it gets too cold and can be severely tested.

These pads should always be cared for, hydrated and soft. If your pads are dry and cracked, you should contact your veterinarian immediately, as there may be deep wounds.

Observing our cat is essential. Even the bearings too swollen may be a problem and it is good to deepen your doctor straight away.

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