How to understand if your cat has fleas: tips to identify and eliminate them

How to tell if the cat has fleas: let’s find out the signs to detect the presence of these parasites and how to remove them.

Are you afraid that your cat is infested with parasites? In this case, it is important to run for cover. Let’s see how to understand if the cat has fleas and what are the most effective treatments to eradicate them.

How to tell if the cat has fleas: the symptoms

The cat is an extremely clean animal, which devotes most of its days to its own cleaning. Unfortunately, however, this does not reduce the risk of a pest infestation. For this, it is important to intervene promptly to protect the health of the animal.

How to tell if the cat has fleas? There are some unequivocal signs, which indicate their presence. First of all, if you have noticed lately that the cat washes more than usual, this behavior should set off an alarm bell.

If, in addition to excessive cleaning, the cat has areas of the body devoid of hair, on which scabs and redness sprout, it is very likely that flea bites caused these irritations.

In fact, by biting the cat’s skin, the parasite releases a small amount of saliva, which can trigger allergic reactions in the cat. A further sign that warns you of the presence of fleas is represented by tiny dots that can be found in the animal’s coat or inside its kennel.

These are flea feces, which appear rust-colored since they contain digested blood. To confirm this, it will be enough to take a small amount of it and place it on a white cloth.

If after wetting them with water they release a reddish halo, there will be no doubt.

The risks of pest infestation

In the long run, flea infestation in cats can cause disturbances. Copious blood loss, for example, can cause anemia in the cat. In this case, the animal appears weak and debilitated. Of course, if you experience these symptoms, it is important to contact your veterinarian promptly.

An additional pathology associated with the presence of fleas in the cat is tapeworm infestation. These parasites, in fact, could be carriers of the tapeworm “cucumerina”. During cleaning operations, the cat may ingest the infected flea. In this way, the worm would enter the intestines of the animal.

In doing so, the parasite would grow, feeding on the nutrients intended for the cat. As a result, the animal would present weakness and weight loss.

What to do if the cat has fleas

If the cat has fleas, it is important to understand how to eliminate them effectively. Methods of getting rid of parasites in the cat are numerous. Among them, for example, there are the classic antiparasitic vials for cats, to be periodically applied to the animal’s coat.

Alternatively, you can decide to use an antiparasitic collar, which not only acts as a flea repellent, but is also able to kill those that already lurk in the animal’s coat.

In case of a strong infestation, the first step to take will be to contact the veterinarian. The professional could advise you to use a tight comb, with which to brush the cat’s coat, or a flea shampoo.

This, however, should be the last resort. In fact, it is well known that cats do not get along very well with water. Do not neglect to thoroughly clean the environment in which the animal lives, within which parasites may still be present.

Highly recommended is the use of a vacuum cleaner and products for disinfestation. If you are looking for a natural method, you can opt for diatomaceous earth. It is an ecological solution with insecticidal function. This white powder, after sticking to the body of parasites, drains their liquids killing them instantly.

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