How to train a kitten

Raising a puppy cat is like approaching a free spirit

The cat, unlike the dog, has had a more recent domestication process. That is, the dog from the dawn of time is the faithful companion of man. The coexistence with domestic cats is more recent, although we are still talking about more than ten thousand years ago.

The cat has been revered by many cultures, it has fascinated writers, poets and painters. His indomitable soul is perhaps the element that attracts cat lovers.

So talking about cat taming or educating a cat might sometimes seem counterintuitive. Not surprisingly, there are several ironic cartoons on the theme complete with the words “Train the dog”, “Assist the cat”. A play on words that contains a truth. That is, how difficult it is to “educate” a domestic cat.

How to educate a puppy cat

Beyond the character and independent nature of the cat, rather than the cat’s “education”, we should speak of “rules to be established” in living together in a house.

There is one thing to remember: the owner is the cat. For this reason, in interacting with the domestic feline it is important to satisfy its needs.

  • the cat needs its own space
  • it is routine
  • loves calm and peaceful places
  • it needs to play, imitating predatory activity
  • he wants discreet places to do his business
  • there are no limits or barriers for him

how to behave with the cat

  • It is important not to scold the cat. He doesn’t like being bothered nor imposing so much. That is, the screams with cats are useless, if not perhaps to achieve the opposite.
  • With the cat, first of all, being patient and maintaining the same habits, that is consistency.
  •  Always involve the cat in a positive way, without ever getting angry and rewarding him every time he responds positively. For example: if he uses the litter box for the first time or the scratching post and not the sofa, reward him.
  • Patiently repeat the teachings, until he has learned
  •  The tone of voice must always be affectionate

The kitten arrives in a new home

It is important to remember that the puppy is separated from its mother and its siblings. The separation is a trauma for him so it is essential to show him a lot of affection, attention and caresses.

When it starts purring and licking you, it means an expression of affection.

 Show the puppy its spaces 

  • water bowl (must always be fresh)
  • food bowl
  • the litter box
  • the scratching post
  • a kennel (even if the cat will decide where to rest)
    Read also–> How to choose the kennel for the cat?
  • Creating the ideal environment for the cat

Only when the kitten has become familiar with the spaces, can the education phase begin.

Educate the cat to use the litter box

Unlike dogs, cats get used to using the litter box almost immediately. Cats are very clean and always look for a secluded and clean place to do their business. For these the litter must always be clean.

Initially, the litter box should be visible and easily accessible for the puppy.

It is easy to notice the moment in which he has the urge. Normally, after eating and playing, the puppy tends to go to the needs of her. In the beginning, it is important to accompany him to the litter box. So that you learn how to use it.

The smell of the sand itself stimulates the cat in its needs. Each time he uses it correctly, you will have to be rewarded with strokes or morsels of food.

Teach the cat to use the scratching post and other toys

From the arrival of the puppy it is good to introduce the scratching post. This way he learns where to get his nails done. Avoid using the furniture, sofa or curtains to train.

Help the puppy discover the scratching post by playing with him so that he understands how it works. Whenever he uses it of his own free will, reward him for his behavior.

Play is essential for the cat. As a rule, it is better to prefer games with which the cat develops its predatory instinct, as a hunter. Plush mice, balls or other simple games are stimulating for the kitten who will have fun and at the same time download his energy in this way.

Accustom the cat not to bite and not to scratch

The cat immediately begins to nibble and scratch, thus discovering the environment. This is an important cognitive phase. Above three weeks, if this behavior is exaggerated, it must also be contained with the command “no!”. This way, he will understand that it is not a habit he has to get into. In this sense, avoid arousing the feline so that he will tend not to overdo it with bites and scratches.

Introduce games with which he can vent his instincts. The scratching post and predation games.

There are a few ways to get the cat to play that also help prevent the pet from being aggressive.

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