How to take care of dogs with long ears

Caring for the ears in those dog breeds that have large ears is essential to avoid health problems.

Some dogs have very long and “drooping” ears … In some cases they even touch the ground! In this article we will tell you how to take care of dogs with long ears , to avoid the proliferation of bacteria, infections and bad smells.

Dog breeds with long ears

First of all, it would be good to identify dog ​​breeds with long ears. The best known are the cocker spaniel, the basset hound, the dachshund, the hound and the beagle, but there are also others whose ears are smaller but drooping: the English setter , the labrador, the Michese bichon, the St. Bernard and the Golden Retriever.

There is no doubt that these are very beautiful and popular dogs, chosen as pets around the world and known in every country. However, this peculiarity of the ears can cause some health problems which, if not treated in time, can lead to more serious complications.

In fact, dogs with large ears are more prone to accumulate wax, dirt and moisture . Therefore, they are more likely to suffer from infections , fungus, redness, bad smell and even pus.

The main problem with dogs with large downturned ears is that the auricle does not have adequate ventilation. So after a bath or on a rainy day the humidity does not dry well and this can lead to the proliferation of bacteria.

The bacteria can cause, among other ear infections, the otitis , which is manifested by acute pain and causes changes in behavior. In fact, some dogs become aggressive in the face of suffering. In addition, otitis causes hearing problems, which affects the dog’s perception.

Other symptoms that can warn us of the situation are: the fact that the dog constantly scratches his ears with his hind legs , shakes his head, groans and yellow or brown secretions appear in the auricle that cause bad smell.

How to take care of dogs with long ears

If you have a pet with long ears it is very important to pay attention to their hygiene. Some ways to take care of dogs with this feature are:

1. Clean your ears often

From puppies, dogs must be accustomed to bathing and letting certain parts of the body such as ears or teeth be cleaned. That way, they won’t see it as something traumatic, but as a fun game.

Consult your vet to find out the best way to clean your dog’s ears . A good option is to use a cotton ball and hold it with scissors or tweezers . Then dip it in alcohol and carefully introduce it into the animal’s ear. Finally, the operation must be repeated with a dry cotton swab to remove any moisture.

Some people use sticks for humans. But the problem is that the canine ear is much larger and deeper than the human one, so cotton buds may not be suitable.

2. Clean the outside of the ears

There are several alternatives to cleaning the outside of the dog’s ears, for example with disinfectants or wet wipes. You have to be very careful to remove all dirt and, in the end, don’t forget to dry them well with a towel.

3. Pay attention to changes in the ears

Caring for dogs with long ears also means analyzing some symptoms or changes that may appear. For example, be careful that they do not have mites – parasites that are like very small blackheads – or that there is dirt, such as fragments of grass and plants.

Observe your pet’s ears often, inside and out, and focus on any debris, secretions, foul odor or redness.

4. Trim the coat, which is important for dogs with long ears

Finally, in the event that your dog has long hair, such as the cocker spaniel , we advise you to cut the hair that can enter the ears and accumulate dirt.

In winter and summer, it is essential to take care of dogs with long ears, avoiding humidity and thus minimizing infections or any complications.

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