Fever in Cats : symptoms, causes

If you notice that your cat is down or listless, it may be sick. One response of your sick pet’s body is to have a higher temperature than usual. We explain how to know if your cat has a fever, how to detect the signs and what symptoms a cat with a fever presents .

Symptoms of a cat with a fever

There are two main groups of signs or symptoms of a cat that has a fever. Those that are physical in nature and those that are behavioural change.

Behavior of a cat with fever

We start with the symptoms that are easy to detect, that is, the behavioral ones. If we pay close attention to our cat’s behavior, we may realize that it is giving us some signs of pain or illness.

Vocal changes

If your cat is most of the time quiet and very calm, but has become very vocal overnight and does not stop meowing or making sounds all the time, this may be a sign that your pet has a fever and is not it feels good.

But on the contrary, the same thing happens, if it is constantly meowing and making sounds, and from one day to the next it is very quiet, it may be another symptom.


You can detect if your pet is constantly sleepy or listless, when it was not before. Or if most of the time you lie down with heavy or irritated eyes. It can be a clear symptom that your pet has a fever and is sick.


Cats purr when they are happy, but they also purr when they are in pain. It is very important to notice when your cat is happy and when it is sad or in pain. If your cat purrs when it is alone and in hiding, this may be a sign that it has a fever, and therefore does not feel well.


If your cat is very affectionate and playful, but suddenly becomes very aggressive and surly. If it doesn’t even want you to touch them and scratches or bites you, it is a sign that something bad is happening to them.


A cat decides to hide when it feels sick, scared, or hurt. So if your feline suddenly hides, it may be that it has a fever. But you should know that there are pregnant cats that also hide. They do this to prepare for delivery.

Stop grooming

Cats are very clean animals. If your pet has stopped grooming, licking and cleaning his hair, this can be a good indicator that it has a fever and an illness.

Loss of appetite

One of the clearest signs or symptoms that something is happening to your pet is that they stop eating or eat very little. When a cat has a fever, it often stops eating, even its favorite treats.

Not using its litter box

If your feline suddenly stops using it while it is clean and in good condition, it may be because its health is not correct. You could have a fever, and consequently, be suffering from some kind of ailment.

Don’t want to drink

If you stop drinking or reject water, it is a sign that it is an organism something bad happens. You can become dehydrated. It is very possible that it has a fever and is suffering from some ailment. Similarly, a constant and excessive thirst is also not normal.

Distraught or restless

You can tell if your feline companion has a fever or a fever by looking at the signs they may experience. If you detect that they are distressed or restless for no apparent reason, it is a red flag. They are symptoms that can indicate a disease in cats.

It is essential that you examine them to know if it has a fever or not. If we are talking about a female cat, these symptoms can also occur if she is in heat.

Difficulty urinating

If you see that it takes longer than usual to be able to urinate or it is difficult for them, it may be incubating a disease and may have a few tenths of temperature .

Physical changes of a cat with a fever

These are somewhat more difficult to detect, the physical changes . But it must always be borne in mind that we as owners of domestic cats, we realize when something is wrong.

Dry nose

You must look to know if a cat has a fever in its nose. Like that of dogs, this part of the cat’s muzzle should always be wet. But if you are sick, one of the symptoms is a dry nose .

Walking problems

If you detect that your kitty walks in a strange way, totally different from its usual way, as if it were dizzy, you may be facing a symptom of feline fever.

Accelerated breathing

Another symptom of a kitten with a fever that you can easily spot is its breathing. If you are breathing fast or find that your heart is beating faster than normal, it may be a sign of a fever.


Sometimes it can be seen with relative ease that a cat has lost weight in just a few days . If this is your case, it can be a red flag and you should act immediately by taking your pet to the vet.

Loss of hair

If you see that, for no apparent reason, your cat is losing a lot of hair , or some localized areas, pay attention. You may have a fever, and as a result, be sick.

What can I do if my cat has fever symptoms

First of all, keep calm . The last thing your pet needs is to notice that you are nervous, it will make him appear more restless and restless. Relax and act with moderation.

As in humans, when a cat has a fever, it is essential that you maintain its hydration index . If the animal refuses to drink, you must help it.

Fill a syringe with liquid and gradually give it water. If you think it is very weak, you can substitute the water for an isotonic drink, but not carbonated.

If the animal eats dry feed, change it for a few days for wet food . Of course, watch that he does not have diarrhea and give him appetizing foods, which induce him to eat more easily.

Put it to rest in a quiet place in the house. Refresh your body with a wet compress . You can put them on your forehead, just like you would with a child, and let it act for a few minutes. Also moisten the legs and the tummy. Repeat the process several times. We also recommend that if you have any questions, you consult your veterinarian.

How to know if a cat has a fever?

There are some doubts when it comes to caring for an animal, such as knowing if a cat has a fever . In this case, as with humans, it is best to proceed to take the pet’s temperature and make sure it is higher than normal.

The most effective way to measure the cat’s temperature is by taking a thermometer and then inserting it into the animal’s rectum .

If you do not seem capable of doing that or you see that the kitten is very nervous, it is better that you take him to the vet and have him measure his body temperature.

Regardless, it doesn’t have to be a difficult task. Do it gently and while you caress it.

Whisper soft words to calm him down. You will see how, in the end, you become an expert in detecting fever symptoms in cats .

However. It is true that the temperature of the cat is measured the same as that of a human, but we do not have the same temperature as them.

As a general rule, an adult cat’s thermometer should range between 38 and 39 degrees . In the case of a kitten, the mercury will mark 39.5 degrees.

You know when to start worrying. As long as your pet’s temperature exceeds these parameters.

How to take a cat’s temperature

The best way to tell if your cat has a fever is to take her temperature with a thermometer . To do this, you must insert a thermometer into the animal’s rectum. You may not like this and move or stir.

For this reason, it is advisable to do it with the help of another person. If you see that you cannot or do not dare, it is best to take it to your vet.

The normal temperature in adult cats should be between 38ºC (100ºF) and 39ºC (102ºFharenheit). The normal temperature for kittens should be between 38ºC (100ºF) and 39.4ºC (103ºF).

If your feline pet exceeds these values, it means that he has a fever and you should take it to the vet for a proper diagnosis.

Know that a high fever can seriously injure your furry little friend. If you have verified that your cat has a fever, NEVER administer medication without first visiting the vet.

He will be able to find out what the reasons are for your cat having a fever, make a good diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate remedy. This is essential for your cat to heal and live for many years.

What diseases can a the fever in Cat indicate?

The fever in cats can be for many reasons. The ailments range from simple mild disorders to extremely serious medical conditions , which can end up collapsing the animal.

That is why it is so important that, if the fever does not subside, take the animal to the vet as soon as possible. This action can save your life.

The ailments that occur with fever in cats are very varied: infections, viruses such as calicivirus , colds, tumors in older cats, trauma, fungi, bacteria, flu, leukemia …

However, whatever the ailment, if your cat’s temperature exceeds 41 degrees you should not wait another second. The issue has become very serious and you urgently need to see your vet .

Probably, as soon as you arrive at the clinic, he will take a way to hydrate him and he will also draw blood to perform an analysis that makes clear the origin of the feline’s symptoms.

While you wait for the results, the vet will do the same thing you have done at home, he will refresh him as best he can, trying to get his body to release all that heat and settle into a more normal temperature.

Despite the concern, the most common is that the cat has some type of infection and that a dose of antibiotics will put it back in shape.

With what the veterinarian tells you about fever in cats , you should take care of it and observe it, to make sure that the medications take effect and that the cat recovers its health.

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