How should you talk to your dog?

Communicating well with your dog so that it understands you is very important, here are our tips to achieve it:

Brevity, consistency and calm are necessary to communicate well verbally with your dog and to train them correctly!

Communicating well with your dog so that it understands you is very important, here are our tips to achieve it:

Brevity, consistency and calm are necessary to communicate well verbally with your dog and to train him correctly!

Be brief

Words should be short (remember that even in his name – 2 or 3 syllables at most – it does not perceive everything). Orders should be brief . Say, “Come on! “But avoid:” You know, now we have to come, we will go home. The masters often have the impression of being dry by being brief. But only one word can be said very smoothly. An order that is too long will not be understood .

Be consistent

You must always use the same word for the same order . If you chose to say, “Sit down! “, Do not change to:” Sit down! “Or:” Stand there! The dog will think it is a different order. The dog retains a sound more than the word itself .

You could possibly speak English to them by saying “Sit down!” “Or:” Sit! », But the examples of such close sounds for the same order are limited! All family members will use the same terms.

The right accessories to help with training

Talking to your dog as part of its education and training is important, but it is also possible to opt for a whistle or training systems that allow specific commands to be associated with commands, for example integrated into a necklace. This can prove to be an interesting addition, and it is possible to take advantage of attractive offers on online sales sites, which offer many accessories to facilitate communication with your dog. 

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