Homemade recipes for kittens: simple and tasty dishes

Home recipes for kittens? It is important to know what to prepare for the little ones at the beginning of their growth. Let’s find out, together, how to cook these simple dishes.

In the first few years of their life, cats need all the essential nutrients to be supported and to be able to grow healthy and strong. Therefore, puppies need the right food to train their bodies correctly and strengthen the immune system. While growing, it is essential to provide foods and dishes that are rich in benefits. Let’s see, in this article, what are the easy home recipes for kittens.

Homemade recipes for kittens

These easy recipes are designed to give balance and nourishment to little puppies by cooking in their own kitchen, using the best and suitable ingredients for them. Here is what we need to get started and what is the procedure for these tasty dishes.

When you choose to adopt a kitten at an early age or find it out by chance and want to keep it with you, you can do a lot to give it a healthy life and development together with us. Care and checks must never be lacking, starting with nutrition.

To ensure a diet capable of supporting and growing the little cats, you have to get busy first in your own kitchen, where there are the best foods for them.

Once they reach 25 or 30 days of life, you can start feeding the little cats with solid foods, always in the form of baby food to simplify the process of both chewing and digestion in them.

We suggest, below, some delicious and easy home recipes for kittens, listing everything you may need. Ready go!

Chicken liver cream recipe

It is a truly delicious and tasty dish for the feline palate. Here’s what we’ll need:


  • 200 gr of chicken liver
  • amount of water useful for boiling and mixing everything


Depending on the amount of water used, you can get a nice consistent dish. Let’s start by boiling the liver in plenty of water and cooking it well. As soon as it has cooled, it must be blended with 100 ml of hot water used as broth.

After boiling the liver, it is important to reduce it to a pulp with the help of a fork or whisk them with the tool. Once you have the desired baby food, remember to let it cool well before serving.

Little cats and homemade recipes: other delicious dishes

For the kittens of the house it is essential to feed on proteins, vegetables and even milk. We continue to see the most suitable recipes for little cats, in such a delicate and important phase of their growth.

Homemade recipes for kittens: cream of chicken with carrot

Very simple to make, this recipe can greatly integrate the nutrition of kittens. Here are the ingredients we will need and how to prepare them:


  • 1 carrot
  • 150 gr of chicken (or turkey)
  • water needed to boil food


To get this delicious gruel, we need to boil the chicken (or turkey, if you like) breast with carrot alone. Once ready, just blend them together and create a soft cream. Again, remember to let it cool down before offering it to the furry ones.

Milk cream recipe with cat food

It is a very useful recipe to accustom the cat to savor the commercial food, which it will feed on in the years of childhood. Let’s see all the ingredients and the preparation:


  • 1 cup of warm artificial breast milk
  • 1 cup of cat food


You start by heating the milk well in a double boiler and then pouring it  into the cat food. Let the food soften, then mix everything until you get a nice gruel. This dish can be offered to the kitten while still warm or warm.

For any doubts regarding the feeding of kittens, it is advisable to ask the opinion of your veterinarian, to avoid making mistakes in everyday life.

Cat BreedsCat Food and Nutrition
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Cat BehaviorKittens
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