Hairless Cat Breeds

Hairless Cat Breeds
Hairless Cat Breeds

When we weigh a hairless cat, the first thing that comes to mind is the Egyptian Cat, Sphynx, or also called Sphinx, and although it may be possible to think that they are cats without hair on their skin, this is not the case.

These breeds have very short and fine hair (not all), what happens is that at a certain distance it is difficult to appreciate it.

The length or density depends on each breed and the pigmentation of their skin. But there are more officially recognized breeds, let’s see the different breeds of hairless cats with photos and the best information.

Sphynx cat

It is one of the best known cat breeds and appeared in Canada in the 1960s as a result of a natural recessive genetic mutation. From there, specialized breeders wanted to fix and maintain, as well as define special characteristics.

It is believed that the origin of the Sphynx could have been a mutation of a Devon Rex , since the two families with natural mutations that appeared in Minnesota and Toronto (5 original members) have common phenotypic characteristics with it.

It is an affectionate, sociable and peaceful cat, it seeks tranquillity and closeness to its humans. If the cats themselves are cold, the Sphynx are a little more cold, because they are more sensitive to changes in temperature, however it is a strong breed, with a high metabolism .They tend to eat more and require a complete food that is balanced at the same time, which helps to reinforce that natural barrier in the skin and that is adapted to a complete and balanced diet with the energy contribution that this breed needs.


Its name honors the Tsar Peter the Great, founder of Saint Petersburg and is the result of crossing a Siamese or oriental variant of the modern type, with another variant with a natural mutation lacking hair, such as the Don Sphynx. It can have from little hair, to a thin dense coat .

As a curiosity, Peterbald puppies that are born with more hair gradually lose it over time. We can distinguish 3 types of fur: Bald, Floc (1 to 5 mm layer) and Brush (very fine hair of more than 5 mm)They are calm and intelligent cats. Slender, with almond-shaped eyes, thin, but muscular, high legs and large ears are the most important characteristics.

Don sphynx

It has its origin in Russia and was developed by the cat breeder Elena Kovaleda having its origin in a female rescued from the city of Rostovna-Donu , called Varya.

The main difference with the Sphinx cat is that the mutation is due to a recessive gene, while in the Don Sphynx or Donskoy it is due to a dominant gene, like the Peterbald.

They are very sociable cats, medium-sized and muscular, with almond-shaped eyes and large ears. Their skin is wrinkled and they may have a light fuzz on the extremities. They are very intelligent and outgoing.

Bambino cat

Other lesser known breeds are the Bambino cat, which is characterized by having short legs , large, straight ears in proportion to its body and almost pinkish skin. It comes from the cross of the Munchkin and Sphynx breed .

Elf cat

The elf cat is another little-known variant, which is distinguished by the curved ears and the absence of hair as a result of the cross between the American Curl and the Sphinx or Sphynx cat.

Ukrainian Levkoy

We can also name the Ukrainian Levkoy, a breed developed by Elena Biriukova from Ukraine as a result of the mixture of Donskoy and Scottish Fold. They are very calm, sociable cats with a muscular and slender body and bent ears as a significant trait.


The Kohana cat is possibly the only breed of cat that does not have hair, so unlike the rest, it does not have anything beautiful about its body. Originally from a mutation in the Hawaiian Islands, it is currently very rare and is characterized by developing a large number of wrinkles on its skin

We can say then that regardless of the “hand of man” in the different breeds that have emerged, it is about cats that do not leave anyone indifferent.

It has detractors and defenders in equal measure. what do you think? Do you have a hairless cat ? tell us about your experience and if you found this article interesting, share it on your favourite social network!

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