Guide to traveling with cats and dogs at Christmas

Using natural anxiolytics and pheromones and not driving on a full stomach are simple tricks that help dogs and cats to travel without dizziness and happy this vacation

This explains why 50% of people who live with dogs and 25% of those who share their lives with felines have already travelled with their furry friends. Many will do it again this Christmas. The following essential guide is directed for them to have a happy trip with dogs and cats in the car , without dizziness, stress or dangers .

Traveling with cats and dogs at Christmas

But there are also more and more people who want to share their time with them, which includes vacations. In fact, 54% of those who live with dogs have already taken their furry companion with them on vacation, the same as 26% of people who do so with kittens.

Traveling with calm cats

Cats are not friends to travel, but anchoring their carrier in the back seat of the vehicle, using pheromones and feeding them three hours before starting the journey are tricks that help them. In necessary cases, the veterinarian will recommend an anxiolytic, since the sedative is hardly used anymore, because it causes damage to the cat’s health. There are natural anxiolytics, created with milk proteins, which greatly relax kitties nervous about the trip. But, if the cat is under stress , it is advisable to postpone the furry vacation and hire a feline babysitter to take care of the friend in the absence of his human.

For others, these tips help traveling cats at Christmas.

  • Carry the feline in a carrier. A safe trip with these animals involves choosing a good carrier. Most vets agree to recommend those that are rigid and have racks, as they are safer. Where to put them? The back seat of the car is the safest place. The receptacle must be well anchored with the seat belt, so that it does not move in the event of sudden braking.
  • Get used to the car. Cat trips by car will be less stressful if the animal gets into the car before the holidays.
  • Tranquillity. When traveling with cats (and dogs) in the car it is important to remain calm. The volume of the stereo should be low and the windows of the vehicle turned all the way up, to avoid that the noises of the road can frighten you even more.

Traveling with dogs, goodbye dizziness!

Dogs get dizzy in cars, just like people. Not being used to traveling, eating just before leaving or not staying calm and relaxed are more than enough reasons. However, car sickness is even more prevalent among puppies. The reason is that the ears of the puppies have not yet finished developing. As a result, they are also less efficient when it comes to maintaining a sense of balance.

How to recognize a dizzy dog? Symptoms include inactivity, apathy, anxiety and stress, repeated yawning, excessive panting and drooling, as well as vomiting.

Dogs that get dizzy are often not used to traveling. Dogs (and cats) find the car a strange space. For this reason, it is so important, before leaving, to try to familiarize the animal with the vehicle little by little. The trick is to get her to associate the trip with a positive experience. “We can put his favourite quilt and toys inside the travel carrier, or in the back area if the dog is large,. In this way, the car will be a more pleasant space for them.

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