German Rex Cat: appearance, character, care, breeding

German Rex Cat appearance, character, care, breeding
German Rex Cat: appearance, character, care, breeding

The German Rex cat, which shares many things in common with the Cornish Rex and the Devon Rex, especially the curly coat, is a very rare breed compared to the other two. It is no longer found in France, possibly still in Germany.

The origins of the German Rex Cat

The German Rex cat takes its name from its place of origin. In fact, in 1946, a curly-haired kitten was born in East Germany which became the property of Dr. Scheuer-Karpin and which, mated to females of different breeds, gave birth to cats with curly hair. 

It was understood that the Rex gene was dominant and not recessive as in the first specimens of Devon and Cornish Rex.

The German did not have much success in his country of origin and its distribution was very limited, even if Professor Étienne Letard, intrigued by his curly fur, imported two subjects to France. 

The death of one of them led to the collaboration of Professor Letard and Doctor Karpin to develop and disseminate the German Rex breed; for this, they crossed the male specimens with females of European race, ignoring that the English were having the same experience.

Despite all this and despite the time that has elapsed since the first individual, the German Rex remains a very rare breed, which can hardly be admired in exhibitions.

Appearance of the German Rex Cat

The German Rex cat is slightly different from the Devon and more similar to the Cornish Rex, from which it is differentiated by the profile and size of the eyes. 

Its structure provides for a medium body, in size and width, muscular and heavy, with a rounded chest, thin legs and of medium length which end in small and oval feet. The head is round and broad at the ears, with well-developed cheeks and chin.

The large ears are broad at the base, slightly rounded and covered with a fine, short hair. The eyes, set well apart from the nose and placed outwards, are medium to large in size; their color recalls that of the dress. 

The tail, thick at the base and rounded at the tip, is medium in length and covered with hair. The mustaches are curly. The fur is soft, short and slightly wavy.

Coat color of the German Rex Cat

All coat colors are allowed.

The character of the German Rex Cat

Due to its rarity and low distribution, it is difficult to speak specifically about the character of the German Rex cat . It can be assumed that like the Devon and the Cornish it has a very good character i.e. it is sensitive, affectionate and gentle, it needs affection but always remains independent.

Moments of cuddling and tenderness are usually well appreciated in this cat. It will undoubtedly come begging for your attention when he wants to be cuddled.

It will be very good at having fun with stand-alone toys, but will also like to enjoy play sessions with their human on a daily basis.

It can catch his breath between 2 activities, but it does not take long to get back to action when it is well rested.

This is a resourceful and curious cat, which often leads them to have to be perceptive in situations where it has put their paws in the dish!

Fearful / Suspicious of Strangers: 
As long as people approach them calmly and gently and respect its need for distance, everyone should get along!

The German Rex, like all cats of the large Rex family, is a rather sticky cat.

Behavior of the German Rex Cat 

It probably has a varied vocal repertoire and will use it as needed, but it is not known to be very talkative.

Greedy / glutton: 
It may be that they are a little greedy. You will need to watch your cat closely so that it does not eat inordinate amounts of food.

Need for exercise:
There are more energetic breeds, but they are nonetheless an active cat who needs to exercise .

Since the German Rex inevitably prefers hot to cold, there is less chance that it will seek to escape from his home. Despite this, it is advisable to remain cautious, because some more adventurous individuals could be tempted by a beautiful summer sun …

Compatibility of the German Rex Cat with other animals

The German Rex and the Dogs:
Beautiful and lasting friendships can be born between these two individuals by making sure to make the presentations respecting the rhythm of the cat and by offering them alternatives if they wishes to stay away from the dog.

The German Rex and the Other Cats:
In the event that the cats are introduced to each other in the right way, their cohabitation should go well. 

The German Rex and the Children: 
Children who listen to the cat’s needs will undoubtedly develop a nice bond with him.

The German Rex and the Elderly: 
According to individuals, in terms of energy, this cat’s needs might be too high for a fairly calm person and therefore this breed might not be suitable for this type of person. 

Price of the German Rex Cat

On average, the purchase price of a German Rex kitten in breeding is between 700 USD and 1500 US , the price often varying according to the line, the breeding, the age or even the sex. 

For the monthly budget, it will take an average of 70 USD / month to meet his needs, by offering him a quality diet and making sure to maintain him in good health.

Maintenance of the German Rex Cat

Weekly brushing is more than enough for this cat. It is also important to pay special attention to the hygiene of their ears because, like other Rexes, he can produce a good amount of secretions. 

Hair Loss: Hair
loss is minimal if not non-existent in this feline.

Food of the German Rex Cat

It is ideal to seek advice from your veterinary team on the correct food to serve your German Rex.

Health of the German Rex Cat

expectancy The life expectancy of this cat is between 9 and 14 years .

Resistant / robust:
It has a very low resistance to cold temperatures, its fur is not adapted to cope with it.

Tendency to
gain weight  He may have a tendency to gain weight unnecessarily since he must consume a few more calories than the average cat to maintain his body temperature. You must therefore watch the food portions you serve.

Frequent illnesses of the German Rex Cat

The German Rex being still rare and little known, no source cites a disease having a particular incidence in this cat. It can, however, suffer from the same pathologies as all other cats, including oral pathologies. 

Marriages are allowed are with the European Shorthair.

Good to know 

It is less known than the Cornish and Devon , but it remains a full breed recognized by LOOF and FIFE nonetheless. It is considered, according to some sources, to be a very unusual cat but some breeders are working very hard on the development of the breed to make them gain popularity. 

In some countries (Russia and Finland for example), crosses with smooth-haired cats are made to avoid too much inbreeding.

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