Five cat toys made with socks

Old socks can be transformed into mice, snakes and even cute hanging fish to play with the felines

Playing with cats is not only fun, it is also very important. Experts recommend that cat owners spend a minimum of 30 minutes a day playing with them, in order to prevent their overweight and stimulate their intelligent minds. This article shows you how to make five fun cat toys out of old socks : a catnip filled one , a stocking snake, a hanging fish for felines and babies, cuddly mice, and even a small octopus .

Playing with cats: fun and important

Playing with cats is very necessary. Felines need half an hour of daily play with their humans; this exercise helps them stay fit and prevent overweight.

Games with the cat are also essential to stimulate the agile minds of these intelligent animals. It is enough to know that a feline in the wild hunts between 10 and 20 small prey a day to understand how important it is to reproduce through play this environment of capture and mental stimulation in our house cats.

The cats need to replenish their toys at certain intervals, so that their “new dams” are attractive. Also, playing with their humans will stimulate their desire to play. But where do you start?

Here’s how to make five fun cat toys at home with the help of a sock . But an important note before getting down to business: socks must be clean and toys created with them must be safe for pets, that is, without pieces that can tear and cause an accident or risk of suffocation .

1. Cat toy made with sock and catnip

This simple homemade toy for felines is made with a small sock. But the secret is inside: the sock is stuffed with attractive catnip (catnip), a plant whose essential oils have the ability to stimulate feline activity and therefore are an invitation to play. They love catnip; it has a harmless and temporary narcotic effect on them, which makes them run, jump and scratch in places they have never used.

Catnip can be purchased or grown at home and allowed to dry before stuffing your sock with it. Then, it only remains to sew the garment and hang a rope to play with the feline. Fun and very simple!

2. Snake with a sock

A cute, longer version of sock cat toys is to create a snake. In addition to the stocking or leotard, you will need paper, some dried catnip and some hair ties.

The sock is stuffed with pieces of paper, crumpled and mixed with grass. With the rubber bands, well adjusted to the stocking so that they press it in the places where they are placed, the head and the different characteristic sections of the body of the snake are created. You can draw the eyes and nose of the animal with a marker suitable for children’s use, that is, that is not toxic, and go over it with thick thread, so that its appearance is more sympathetic.

3. Hanging fish for cats and babies with socks!

This fun proposal for a homemade toy pendant for felines can be shared by cats and babies . Who can resist trying it?

The idea to create this fish-shaped mobile is to fill different colored socks with scraps of fabric and catnip to make them fat. Afterwards, they must be knotted, one by one, so that all the filling is on one side of the knot. This will be the head, which will be round.

The rest of the fabric, trimmed to where you want it, will serve as the body. You can sew the eyes and mouth, with thick threads , to make them more sympathetic.

It only remains to hang the different fish-socks to resistant threads , which can withstand the attacks of felines and small children safely, and tie everything to the ceiling or a children’s pendant that you already have at home.

4. Mice made from socks

Socks can also become a mouse-shaped toy for cats in a very simple, nice and cheap way. Socks can be stuffed with fabric, catnip, and even legumes .

The idea is to fill the socks with catnip more generously than before and knot them, so that the result is a disproportionate end, which will make the head of the octopus. The rest of the stocking is cut into eight legs, which will act as tentacles. What do you think of these homemade cat toys with socks? You can leave your opinion and proposals in the comments section. Thanks!

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