Feline leukemia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Feline leukemia, a very common infectious disease in cats. Let’s try to understand what are the triggering causes, symptoms, diagnosis and expected treatment.

The cat is also an animal that is often subject to various diseases. Some of them can also be serious and contagious and, therefore, it is good to know in depth the problem you want to combat. There is a serious disease that is very widespread among felines: we are talking about feline leukemia and how it manifests itself in the pet.

Feline leukemia: the typical causes and symptoms

It is one of the most contagious diseases in cats. In fact, feline leukemia is one of the causes of the highest mortality in this animal. Let’s learn more about the causes that cause it and its symptoms in the article.

The pathology we are talking about in this article is one of the most dangerous for the feline. Feline leukemia, also known as the FeLV virus, affects the animal’s immune system and is a contagious disease.

We are talking about a pathology that usually affects stray cats, very young cats and those of feline colonies. This virus can only be transmitted between cats and not to other animals and not even to humans.

The cause of feline leukemia is the retrovirus, which can put the cat in a position to contract further infections, increasing the risk of losing its life. But how does the transmission of the virus take place?

The FeLV virus can be transmitted from one infected cat to another through the exchange of bloodsaliva , nasal or ocular secretions. Even an infected cat can pass the virus to her young if she is pregnant. Transmission of infection can occur in various cases: during a fight, while mating or when grooming.

Typical symptoms to watch out for

The symptoms of feline leukemia can be varied and it is important to know that the FeLV-positive cat can be asymptomatic for months and even years, before the disease develops completely. Typical symptoms are:

  • General weakness
  • Fever Cat
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Loss of appetite in the cat 
  • Slimming
  • Anemia in cats
  • Immunosuppression

If the cat continues to weaken, the risk of contracting bacterial and viral infections increases, which manifest other symptoms in him, such as:

  • Respiratory infections
  • Vomiting Cat
  • Diarrhea in cats
  • Skin lesions
  • Otitis
  • Jaundice in cats
  • Lymphomas
  • Convulsions in cats

The feline and leukemia: diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Feline leukemia is very dangerous for the health and life of the animal. Let’s see how to help him, making the diagnosis and how it is possible to treat the disease by making a good prevention, to ensure a little serenity to the cat.

The feline leukemia virus is sneaky, as it moves silently in the cat’s immune system for even a very long time before it begins to exhibit its severe symptoms. To diagnose the disease, it is necessary that the doctor veterinary effects of specific tests and test clinical confirming his presence.

For this disease there is still no definitive cure, but one way to help your cat is to have it undergo periodic checks and examinations by the vet, throughout the year, to keep its health condition under control.

It is equally important to conscientiously take care of his diet, integrating it with all the elements necessary for his daily well-being.

The importance of prevention in feline leukemia

In fact, prevention against feline leukemia can increase the life expectancy of the cat. It is advisable to sterilize stray cats and vaccinate domestic furry cats. The vaccine can prevent the feline from infecting other cats with which it comes into contact.

Factors such as agehealth conditions and the presence of other previous diseases, together with the stage of the virus greatly affect his life expectancy. Taking care of your pet in the best possible way is all you can do today.

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