Feeding the Pixie Bob Cat

What nutrients can not miss in the ideal diet of the Pixie Bob? We discover ideal foods, doses and frequency of meals.

Formulating a complete and balanced food plan for our four-legged friend is essential, so that the furry dog ​​is always strong and healthy. Here are all the parameters to be respected to ensure that the power supply of your Pixie Bob is truly perfect!

Feeding the Pixie Bob: quantity and frequency

First, in order to plan a healthy and nutritious diet for the Pixie Bob, one question needs to be answered: how much and when to feed the cat?

Regarding the quantities, the specimens of this breed need a consistent caloric intake.

After all, these are cats with strong and powerful muscles, who spend most of their day in motion.

However, in order for the pet’s nutritional needs to be satisfied without risking that he accumulates excess weight, the best advice is to ask your veterinarian for help.

The professional, in fact, will be able to identify the most suitable doses for the animal, according to individual parameters such as age, weight, sex and lifestyle.

In general, the doses of wet food for cats amount to 40 grams for each kg of weight.

To find the quantity of croquettes, simply divide the figure obtained by 3.

What to feed the Pixie Bob?

Finally, let’s find out which foods are included in the Pixie Bob’s ideal diet.

Just like any other member of its species, this feline is an obligate carnivore.

This means that he must necessarily take in proteins of animal origin, from which he draws essential nutrients for his well-being, which his body is unable to produce by itself.

In particular, the most suitable foods for this four-legged are chicken, beef, turkey and rabbit.

Fish is an excellent source of Omega 3 and Omega 6, but should be fed to the cat less frequently than meat.

Home or industrial nutrition for the Pixie Bob?

When it comes to selecting ingredients and preparing meals, there are two different possibilities.

In the first case, you can choose a homemade diet for your Pixie Bob, buying the raw materials directly and taking care of cooking them yourself.

It is an excellent solution, because it allows you to choose fresh and quality ingredients, as well as to know all the stages of preparation of the food given to the little dog.

However, it is essential that everything takes place under the veterinarian’s instructions: the risk of nutritional deficiencies, in fact, is very real.

If you are looking for a simpler and faster solution, you can opt for the purchase of industrial feed directly from the shelves of pet shops.

These are ready-made and balanced foods, perfect for those who do not have the time or desire to cook their own meals for their four-legged friend.

In this case, however, at the time of purchase it is essential to carefully read the nutritional table on the back of the package, to select healthy and quality products.

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