Feeding of the Minuet Cat: quantity, frequency and foods suitable for the feline

Nutrition of the Minuet, the diet to keep in shape this funny and nice breed of cat with short legs and chubby body.

In today’s article we are going to see specifically, the feeding of the Minuet, the frequency of meals and the quantities necessary for the daily requirement of this agile and muscular, albeit apparently round, breed of cat.

In a certain way, if you are ready to welcome a Minuet cat at home, the first act of love towards it is to learn about its needs, habits and dietary requirements.

And then limiting the poor quality industrial food is the second act, since the type of feeding affects the health of the animal.

What to feed at the Minuet

For a Minuet cat with a very particular build, it is essential to establish not only the quality but also the frequency and the doses.

As we mentioned previously, it is important to guarantee a healthy and good quality diet at Minuet.

Therefore avoiding feed rich in cereals or water, those that contain by-products of meat or fish processing or those with preservatives, dyes and appetizers hidden under various names.

These products could adversely affect the cat’s health. The choice of the type of food for the dry or wet cat must be made carefully.

Today on the market, it is possible to find quality products both dry and wet and above all with a very low content of cereals or grain free.

Instead, they must be foods rich in meats and other animal proteins.

Offer Minuet a complete and above all balanced product, containing the following nutritional values:

  • proteins for cats: useful for the formation and maintenance of muscles, other tissues, blood but also for the regeneration and conservation of body cells and tissues;
  • fats: a necessary source of energy and mainly responsible for the transport of substances in the body as well as for the support and development of the joints and the nervous system;
  • carbohydrates: immediate source of energy to deal with a sudden exertion such as a run, a chase, an escape, sudden cat stress etc.
  • minerals: essential for the development and maintenance of tissues.

Finding this type of formula on the market is very simple, as it is present in specialized shops and is divided by size and age range of the animal.

Obviously there are many who like to personally prepare homemade recipes for cats, with fresh products that contain the values ​​listed above.

Naturally the vet will be able to suggest the right way to prevent the animal from suffering nutrient deficiencies or on the contrary a significant weight gain.

Feeding of the Minuet: doses and frequency of meals

The Minuet is a medium breed cat and despite its particularly long build with short legs, it is still a lively, agile and playful feline.

This is why it needs different doses and frequency of meals than other breeds. Therefore, thanks to the experts it will be possible to follow an indicative table for cat feeding.

However, trying to evaluate the following indicative factors for each individual cat: lifestyle, size, gender, health condition and in particular the age of the cat.

This is the table for feeding the cat according to age:

  • 3 and 4 servings a day of 25 to 30 grams each, from 8 weeks to 6 months:
  • 2 servings a day of 200 and 450 grams of food each after 6 months;
  • 1 meal a day, preferably divided into 2 (morning and evening) of 200 and 450 grams of food each, after the year of life.

The diet of the cat is the basis of the health of the animal, good food gives an excellent state of health and a long life.

Cat BreedsCat Food and Nutrition
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