Exotic Shorthair Cat: characteristics, appearance, care

Easily recognizable by its flattened snout, it has some particularities that are good to know

The Exotic Shorthair cat is distinguished by its flattened muzzle and close-set eyes. It is a short-haired cat that has a lot in common with one of its ancestors : the British Shorthair, lazy but sociable, suitable for the quiet rhythms of apartment life and with a certain tendency to gain weight if one is not careful about feeding.

The Exotic Shorthair has many points of contact with its siblings, the Persian and the British Shorthair. With them it shares above all the type of coat : short like that of the British ,velvety like that of the Persian.

Like the latter, it is a cat that is the result of a recent crossbreeding and selection : its origins are to be found in the United States, at the turn of the sixties. The standards were defined in 1967.

Exotic Shorthair appearance

As the name implies, some Burmese blood flows in the veins of the Exotic Shorthair ancestors. The typically Asian characteristics of this feline are reflected above all in the flattened snout and short nose.

Big head, sturdy build, medium-short tail, slightly elongated eyes and large, short legs belong more to its other three ancestors : the Persian, the British and the American Shorthair.

Exotic Shorthair Character

Intelligent and sweet, affectionate but lazy : the Exotic Shorthair is a cat of contrasts, but with a perfect character for apartment life; in fact he sleeps a lot and meows little.

Although he is not very agile, he turns out to be a great mouse hunter, like his British Shorthair ancestor. Sociable, he loves both adults and children ; it is in fact so easy to educate and manage that it is often chosen for pet therapy programs.

Docile and patient, he easily undergoes cleaning and grooming operations, which are less demanding than his Persian ‘cousin’.

Exotic Shorthair care and particularity

The Exotic Shorthair cat is one of the longest in existence. it has an average lifespan of 14 years. It appreciates both dry and wet canned food, but be careful as it tends to put on weight, so always feed it in a balanced way.

In reality, the real concerns must be reserved for the eyes, which are rather delicate. Being oblique but protruding, they tend to tear frequently.

Therefore, they should be cleaned every day with a cotton swab moistened with a sanitizing and soothing substance, purchased ad hoc. The hair, on the other hand, must be brushed at least 2 times a week, so that it remains shiny and soft. During the moulting period, even every day.

He will get used to the bathroom from an early age, as the hair will need to be washed at least 2-4 times a year. An operation necessary above all to remove the dead undercoat.

Exotic Shorthair price

The price of the Exotic Shorthair can range from $475 to $1100 , but it is not impossible to find puppies as gifts.

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