Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in cats: causes, symptoms, treatment

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a very rare genetic disease in cats: let’s find out what it is and what the feline’s life expectancy is.

Some diseases are so rare that most people don’t even know them. That’s probably what happened to most readers when they saw the title. The syndrome of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, and may also affect the cat . Here’s what to know on the subject.

What is it and what are the causes

Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, which can also affect cats. The disease, better known as feline skin asthenia , is substantiated by the lack of collagen , a structural protein of the body’s tissues.

Due to the anomaly, the cat’s skin loses elasticity and strength, becoming extremely fragile and elastic.

As mentioned, the origin is genetic; if the carrier of the syndrome is only one of the two parents, the cat will have a 25% chance of contracting it; if both are, then transmission is certain. There is a particular predisposition to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in the Himalayan cat.

Symptoms of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome in cats

The lack of collagen weakens the skin, and the consequences are dramatic.

Even the smallest bump can cause pain to the animal, even the smallest scratch can cause skin injuries , which can cover the whole. The healing times are much longer for the cat affected by this pathology; therefore it is constantly exposed to the risk of infections.

Bones, joints and cartilages are also extremely fragile, and the risk of trauma is very high; problems such as diaphragmatic and perineum hernia can also arise.

How to cure

Unfortunately, there is no cure for Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; the life expectancy of the feline is minimal, and in any case the standard of living is quite low.

The disease cannot be prevented; however there are some precautions that can be implemented. The most important is to prevent the feline carrying the syndrome from mating; it is an act of responsibility towards a living being, who could be forced into a hellish life.

Another necessary fulfilment is to cut the cat’s nails , in order to avoid that it can self-harm, even with the simple cleaning of the body. Finally, the living environment of the animal must be modified, in order to minimize the possibility of contact with furniture or other obstacles.

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