Egyptian Mau Cat care: hygiene and grooming tips

Are you wondering how to best take care of the Egyptian Mau? Let’s discover the beauty routine of this cat from Egypt.

Of the oldest cat breeds, this gorgeous feline is the only one to boast a spotted, all-natural coat. If you are considering welcoming an Egyptian specimen into your home and heart, there are some things you should definitely know. Among these, of course, how to take care of the Egyptian Mau ‘s coat and hygiene.

Egyptian Mau coat care

The care of the Egyptian Mau’s coat is not particularly demanding.

Although this cat has a thick and silky coat, in fact, it tends to lose little hair. For this, it will be sufficient to brush it weekly. This will allow the removal of the dead hair layer and will avoid the formation of knots and boluses.

What is the best Egyptian cat coat brush? Being a short-haired feline, the advice is to use tools with short, rounded and soft bristles.

The double bristle models are ideal both for removing excess hair and for making the Egyptian cat’s coat soft and shiny.

Of course, the condition of the cat’s coat is also affected by its diet.

Finally, to make the cat’s coat completely shiny and clean, you can use a natural solution, based on water and vinegar. Just moisten a cloth with this compound, and then wipe it gently on your four-legged friend’s coat.

Hygiene and cleanliness of the Egyptian cat

Now that we have understood how to take care of the splendid cape of the Egyptian Mau, let’s see what other operations are important to ensure the well-being and health of our four-legged friend.

Given the tendency to accumulate tartar, it is very important to clean your cat’s teeth daily. To do this, you can use special brushes available on the market, or sanitizing creams to be distributed on his teeth.

A further precaution concerns the ears of the cat: they must be checked periodically to avoid the accumulation of secretions. If this were the case, in fact, the animal would be predisposed to developing infections and skin disorders.

No less important are the cleaning and cutting of nails: if they are excessively long, it is recommended to shorten them with a special tool. Finally, if you are wondering if the Egyptian Mau can take a bath, know that the answer is yes.

This breed, in fact, is decidedly atypical since, unlike other felines, it does not disdain water at all. Of course, repeat the procedure only when really necessary, and generally no more than once every two months. Finally, don’t forget to choose mild, neutral-smelling cleansers.

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