Dressing up the dogs

Is dressing dogs a necessity or just a whim of the owner? Here is the controversy served. 

In any case, however, whether it is useful or not to dress your pet, clothes and accessories for dogs, designed according to the fashion of the moment, are very much in vogue today and only time will tell if it is a passing trend or it will become a custom.

It is necessary to dress the dogs

According to a logical reasoning, one might think that the wise nature has already equipped the animals with everything they need: the hair of the dogs in theory is more than enough to deal with any climatic eventuality.

But, as always, this is where man comes in: dog breeds born in cold regions are moved and brought to much warmer reasons and vice versa , without taking into account the characteristics of each dog in the slightest.

Clothes for shelter

Animal specialists claim that dog clothes are needed to protect the animal from the cold only in special cases, such as:

  • short-haired and not very abundant dogs ;
  • puppies or older dogs , which are usually most vulnerable when the thermometer goes down;
  • dogs that tremble when they stand still.

Aesthetics versus necessity

Given that the dog doesn’t even know what fashion is, seeing him well dressed and with the right accessories is a totally human concern.

At this point we should ask ourselves what are the real needs of a dog and how clothes and accessories affect his life.

Although the manufacturers of these articles claim to use fabrics that let transpire and do not cause heat in the summer, the crucial question continues to be the same: what is the point of dressing the dog if he does not need it?

Latest models for dogs

Believe it or not, the dog fashion industry offers a great variety of models and colors , renewing its offers every season. Among the various items available, you can find the following pieces:

  • sweaters;
  • waterproof;
  • capes;
  • skirts;
  • shirts;
  • foulard;
  • hats.

And, always in pendant with the rest, you will find a great choice of accessories:

  • necklaces;
  • leashes;
  • jewelry;
  • carrying bags;
  • blankets;
  • Pillows.

The most important thing is that, no matter how nice a dress is, it doesn’t cause any allergic reactions to your furry friend.

Money will buy a beautiful dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.
-Richard Friedman-

Human concerns and canine concerns

It is clear that everyone spends their money as they see fit.

And not everyone reflects on the fact that while many dogs walk around covered in expensive clothes and accessories, there are just as many that are abandoned and forced to live crammed in kennels .

In any case, even if you find it rewarding to see your friend dressed like a prince, you should always ask yourself if your dog feels comfortable and at ease.

Furthermore, leaving aesthetic issues in the background for a moment, you must never stop wondering if your little friend’s basic needs are covered , in order to guarantee him a good quality of life.

Humanize animals

It would also be interesting to reflect on why people feel the need to dress their animals or, in other words, why people are always looking for ways to humanize animals.

This trend inevitably leads us to think that what is good for humans must also be good for dogs, and this is how the human standards of beauty sometimes impose themselves on the canine natural instinct.

Specialists warn about the risks of this trend: in the long run, all this could conflict with the animal’s instinct, distorting its behavior.

The best deal? Love your dog

What appears clear is that there are those who pull the water at their mill while others try to find answers to these doubts, not to mention those who do not even ask themselves the problem.

Unfortunately we live in a society devoted to consumerism, in which the system creates false needs that can only be met by buying new products that are constantly coming out on the market , and the world of canine fashion is no exception.

Meanwhile, the dogs try to adapt as they can to the whims of man , asking, in return, only for love. Beyond fashions and trends.

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