Do cats prefer hot or cold food?

Felines are greedy animals, but they too have preferences on both the quality of the food and the temperature. Let’s see together if cats prefer hot or cold food.

Felines, just like dogs, are animals that love to eatSome people living with cats even claim that their felines know when it’s time to eat. Have you ever wondered if cats care if their food is hot or cold?

In this article we will first look at what felines eat and then we will find out if cats prefer hot food or cold food.

Hot or cold food? Here’s what the cat prefers

It is well known that felines are completely carnivorous animals, so they prefer a diet rich in meat but free of carbohydrates. Furthermore, domestic cats prefer meat and fats as felines lack the essential enzymes to dissolve the minerals and vitamins that are present in cereals and vegetables.

So it is very important that felines have a diet full of meat, protein and fat in order to enjoy good health throughout their life. Also, since cats need to stay hydrated during the day, it is recommended to offer the cat moist rather than dry food such as kibble.

Hot or cold food?

Felines may have preference over food, in fact they love canned food more, but they may also have preferences over the temperature of the food.

In fact, cats prefer hot food rather than cold, why? The answer to this curiosity derives from the fact that felines in nature eat their prey at the same time that they have captured it, therefore hot, even if for us it may be disgusting their nature is this.

So domestic cats prefer the latter when choosing between refrigerator food and room temperature food. In case your furry friend doesn’t like fridge food, you could reheat it by adding hot water to his food or heating the food in a microwave for a few seconds.

The importance of the smell of cat food

Since felines do not have many taste receptors, their appetite is not stimulated by the taste but rather by the smell of the food. Also for this reason they prefer hot food, as the latter releases more aromas than a cold food.

Furthermore, the heated food giving off a strong smell can also help a cat that does not want to eat, or an elderly feline that over time loses the sense of smell.

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