Do cats bathe?

If you have cats at home, it is normal that you have asked yourself the question: is it necessary to bathe a cat? Before answering this question, we are going to explain several things.

Cats are famous for being one of the cleanest animals that takes the most care of their body hygiene. Not in vain do they spend more than a quarter of their time licking, preening and using a language specially developed for it.

Your tongue is your cleansing

Its tongue “with many spikes” removes dead hair and organic debris, provides a layer of natural protection, protects it from pathogens and imbues it with its natural and characteristic smell of each feline.

In addition, most cats do not like water, assuming for a large part of them, an unpleasant fact that they will try to avoid at all costs. In some cases it can even be traumatic, if it is not done in a correct way and being prepared for the discomfort that it is going to entail.

Disadvantages when bathing a cat

  • When they are bathed, they largely lose their natural oils in the coat of hair. These natural protectants that naturally secrete, avoid, among others, contact with pathogens and keep your skin and hair protected.
  • The use of a shower gel that is not suitable for its natural coat, can make its natural pH, it is at risk and above all, that it can reach delicate areas of your body, such as eyes and ears, especially sensitive to any type of shampoo.
  • Many cats develop phobias of water through inappropriate bathing and violent events can occur, with the consequent stress generated.
  • Some cats may develop allergies to unsuitable bath products.
  • Avoid at all costs, gels that are not specifically recommended for them.

A very valid alternative is the use of dry cleaning foams for cats, which you can buy in specialized cat stores. In addition, with a correct regular brushing that will eliminate dead hair, it can be the perfect combination for the correct hygiene and cleaning of your cat, without going through the bathtub.

When it is good to bathe a cat

If you still decide to bathe your cat, the first of all is to take into account the almost innate repulsion that they have to water, but with habit and good practices, if possible, since they are small, it may be possible that the bath is not a losing battle.

A bath may be recommended:

  • When the cat has contact with the outside and gets dirty often.
  • When you have long hair and a tendency to get greasy or knotted.
  • When by accident, your cat gets dirty with some substance that can be harmful to its health.   
  • When we talk about breeds with little hair and folds on the skin , such as Sphynx cats

How to bathe a cat

The most important when bathing your cat is to be calm and try to be patient. If you are nervous, your cat will perceive it and any cry or forced movement, can make it stress and trigger the rejection of water and a pitched war. In these cases you can use a bathtub with little water, with a mat or non-slip, it is its interior, which will prevent your cat from slipping and you can hold it better. The temperature should be pleasant for them, that is, warm water and not higher than 29 degrees. You can also use a container that fits the size of your cat.

● Before starting to wash it, let it get used to the water and its temperature.
● Use a bath gel for cats especially indicated for them.
●  Start at the bottom and gradually work your way up, slowly and carefully.
● Use a sponge soft or the palm of the hand, always with great care.
● Take special care with the head, especially with eyes and ears, avoiding foam.
●  Stroke them while you lather, with gentle movements.
● Rinse with plenty of water, so as not to leave soap residue on your hair

After bath

When you are done, use a towel and dry it by wrapping it up and rubbing it with special care. If you can avoid the dryer, the better, because in addition to causing stress due to noise, misuse of it could cause skin burns, if it is not at the appropriate distance.

  • A final brushing, to remove dead hair during the drying phase.
  • A reward immediately after bathing them can be a way for them to associate this process with something that has a happy ending.

As a summary to say that if your cat lives at home with you, it has no contact with the outside and has short hair, unless nothing strange happens and it is for a major cause, to the question of whether Do cats bathe? The answer is that except in certain situations, it is totally dispensable. Regularly brushing your cat and licking-based cleaning moments are enough to avoid any bath.

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