Dilated pupils of the cat: the causes and appropriate measures

Cats communicate a lot with humans through their eyes. Thanks to these we can also understand when the cat has something serious. Today let’s see what the dilated pupils of the cat communicate to us.

If we carefully observe the cat during the day we can see through some movements of his eyes, what the feline wants to communicate to us. In fact, the blinking of the eyelids, the squinting of the eyes, are signals that the cat sends us to tell us something.

The dilated pupils in the cat is one of the most complex phenomena, as it has multiple motivations, in fact it can indicate a desire, and a thank you for having fulfilled it, or the cat can widen the eye if it has to focus on a distant object or still it can be a sign of a problem in the feline’s body.

If you notice that the cat has constantly dilated pupils there is something wrong and it is advisable to understand what is not making him feel good.

Cat with dilated pupils: causes

As we have said previously, the dilation of the pupils of the cat can also indicate serious pathologies, so it would be advisable to notice this phenomenon in time. We can associate this phenomenon with these diseases:

  • Anisocaria (one pupil larger than the other)
  • Eye disorders or injuries 
  • Renal failure in cats
  • Uveitis
  • Glaucoma in cats
  • Feline leukemia virus (Felv)
  • Head trauma
  • Cat poisoning
  • Tumors


The condition most connected to the phenomenon of eye dilation in cats is anisocoria . It is a pupil diameter inequality and also affects other animals and humans.

It presents with a dilation of one pupil and the other more restricted. In cats, this disorder can arise from abnormalities of the nervous system or from infections, inflammation, tumors or trauma to the eye.

Depending on what the cause is, the following phenomena can also be noted in anisocomy:

  • The cornea is opaque
  • The cat is not very active
  • The cat squints his eye which hurts him
  • There is a lot of ocular secretion
  • The cat has vision problems
  • The cat has pain in the eyes

It is good to know that older cats are those who run the greatest risk of contracting this disease, which if not caught in time can also lead to the cat’s blindness.

As soon as these phenomena are noticed, it is necessary to take the cat to the vet who, with the appropriate diagnostic tests, will be able to indicate the right treatment.

Cat eye hygiene

Although the causes for which the cat has dilated pupils can be many and do not necessarily depend on cleanliness, it is good to have proper hygiene of the feline’s eyes to avoid irritation. Here are some tips:

  • Remove the swabs from the eyes using a gauze soaked in chamomile.
  • Get your cat used to getting used to cleaning their eyes as a puppy.
  • Check that the hair in front of the eyes is not too long, it could get inside and cause irritation.
  • If the cat has red eyes, they tear often, or the cat has a swollen eye, it is advisable to take him to the vet.

The dilated pupils of the cat is a wide phenomenon, so if you want your beloved feline to be in good health it is important to keep in mind three important rules:

  1. Constantly observing the cat’s behaviors
  2. The periodic visit of the cat to the vet
  3. Clean the cat’s eyes.

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