Cleft palate in Cats

Cleft palate in cats is a congenital pathology that can affect the oral cavity of our furry cat. Let’s find out what the remedies are.

There are many diseases that human beings have in common with their animal friends. Among them, also the peculiar cleft palate, which can also affect the cat. Normally it is a genetic malformation, even if possible causes of traumatic origin are not excluded. Let’s find out what the effects of the disease are and what are the possible remedies.

Cleft palate in cats: what it is

Cleft palate in cats is a pathological condition that affects the oral cavity, presenting itself as a malformation of the organ.

occurs as a genetic condition, inherited from the parents.

Some breeds are particularly predisposed, such as the Siamese. Cleft palate is often associated with another typical malformation of the mouth, namely the cleft lip; however the first is limited to the hard or soft palate (or to both), the second pathology, precisely, to the upper lip.

Although the pathology normally has a genetic origin, further causes are not excluded, such as a traumatic event, a viral origin (affecting the mother during pregnancy) or food imbalances.

The disorder can have serious consequences, even fatal for the kitten; therefore it is not limited to a simple damage of external form. In fact, the cleft palate can also lead to death in the most serious cases.

In particular, the pathology gives rise to proven difficulties in the act of sucking the milk by the kittens, being unable to ingest. A further danger is the onset of respiratory infections, which in the first months of life can have a fatal outcome.

In less serious cases, it will be possible to artificially provide for the maintenance of the kitten.

The remedies

Since the cleft palate in cats manifests itself immediately, and given the large mortality rate related to it, it requires a diagnosis and timely intervention.

Therefore, if you notice a malformation on the palate of the kitten, go immediately to your trusted veterinarian; similarly in the hypothesis in which, despite not having seen the puppy’s mouth, you realize that it is impossible to drink milk.

The professional will proceed with the diagnosis from the first visit to the kitten; according to the severity of the disease the therapeutic approach will change.

However, the only truly decisive therapy is that of the surgical type. Obviously the affected kitten cannot be immediately subjected to the operation; it will be necessary to wait at least two months, during which it will be necessary to breastfeed the kitten using a probe (and so up to the first days following the operation).

The prevention of this highly fatal pathology for puppies is very important. The main form is to avoid mating and reproduction of the handicapped individuals.

Particular attention should also be paid to the feeding of the pregnant cat , both to avoid the onset of infections and to avoid the risk of food imbalances.

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