Top 10 benefits of Having a dog as a pet

If you have had the opportunity to experience coexistence with a dog, you will know that this involves obligations regarding its well-being, such as meeting its food, hygiene, health, exercise needs, loving it and caring for it to the end. However, not everything in this relationship is giving because, in exchange for your attention, you receive … Read more

Things to consider before getting a Dog

In order to understand which can be the ideal dog, you need to ask yourself some questions, such as: Why do you want to get a dog? You must understand if you are simply looking for a pet or a dog that can also perform other functions , for example: to guard participate in canine beauty … Read more

Pet Therapy with Dogs:

The term pet therapy was invented by the American psychiatrist Boris Levinson in the early 1960s and can be literally translated as “therapy for the affected animal”. It is a practice that goes alongside and reinforces other traditional forms of therapy. Pet therapy uses the benefit that individuals derive from the relationship with animals. These sensations are used to … Read more

How do you calm a dog during thunderstorm: reasons, tips

In the summer season, pets add new fears to other fears: peals of thunder and bright flashes of lightning in the sky scare, make you worry. Many animals, hearing thunder, begin to rush, try to run away and hide. Once on the street during a thunderstorm, the dog can break off the leash and run away, get … Read more

15 Best Tips to stop your dog from barking

The dog’s voice is its barking. This is how your dog tries to get attention. But if he does not stop either day or night, scandals with neighbors, unfriendly looks of hallways on the street are guaranteed to you. And are there any ways – how to wean a dog from barking? Experts say: of course there is. Raising a … Read more

Why Dogs Eat Poop and How to Stop It: reason, solution

Any dog ​​owner will feel embarrassed if his pet starts to eat his own or other people’s excrement while walking. Others will look at them with condemnation. It would seem that the pet is full, healthy, why does the dog eat feces? Normal or pathological? Experts do not consider this behavior of animals to be a deviation … Read more

Why is my dog lethargic and refusing to eat: reasons, how to handle

Signs of a dog’s ill health can be many, they depend on the disease. They can be pronounced or appear in the late stages of the development of the disease. The sooner an attentive owner notices that the dog is behaving differently and goes to the veterinarian, the more likely it is to keep the pet … Read more

What Is Pet Insurance, How Does It Work, & What Does it Cover?

What is dog insurance Why is it worth having a dog insurance Adopting a dog, as we know, is something that requires a good dose of commitment: when you adopt a 4-legged friend, in fact, it must become a real member of the family and consequently you must provide for all its needs. In addition … Read more

What are poisonous plants for dogs and what to do in case of poisoning

Poisonous plants for dogs : let’s take care of the poisoning of dogs due to the ingestion of some types of plants or flowers. In nature there are about fifty toxic plants that can have very serious consequences for your dog. It is therefore necessary to be vigilant and be very careful with your four-legged friend. Poisonous plants for … Read more

How to pet a Dog

We generally think that all dogs enjoy being pampered and petted, although this is not always the case. Some of them are more reluctant to contact people (for example, a White Swiss Shepherd is usually very suspicious), either because of past trauma or because they don’t know us. The following dog pampering tips can even help you … Read more