Why sterilize your cat

Cats are reproductively mature at 6 months and can have 3 heats a year, being able to give birth to 6 kittens in each pregnancy. In a year you can have 18 kittens  and the truth is that many of them will be born on the street and will face a very complicated life, full of dangers, accidents and … Read more

How to bathe a cat

The cat is one of the cleanest pets out there and spends a large part of its hours grooming itself. This feline can be perfectly all its life without taking a bath, because for them it is enough that he comb it daily. But sometimes, they can be really dirty and need a bath. But how do cats bathe? … Read more

How to teach a cat to use the toilet

Teaching your cat to use the toilet has several benefits for home hygiene. When a kitten relieves themselves in the bathroom, it is not necessary to have a litter box at home, which means that you do not have to deal with daily cleaning of it, changing the sand, and not collecting the grains of sand. … Read more

How to teach a cat tricks

Cats are very intelligent animals with an extraordinary memory, this allows them to learn tricks such as pawing, turning, bringing toys, among others. However, it is important that you understand that cats are not the same as dogs, because they are not interested in spending long periods of time doing tricks to get praise from their … Read more

How to teach your cat to play dead

Teaching your cat tricks can be a lot of fun, since it is a very cute and at the same time funny way to go against the rebellious and individualistic spirit of these animals. Also, teaching kittens some commands is very stimulating for their minds. Therefore, now we are going to explain how to teach your … Read more

How to train a cat to catch mice

Cats are not only excellent furry companions that brighten our lives, but they are also incredible hunters by nature, which becomes a huge advantage for those who care about having their homes always free of rodents. For people who live in places where a warm climate prevails, having a cat is an effective solution to … Read more

How to train a cat not to bite

Biting is part of the nature of cats due to their hunting instinct. However, this behaviour can be molded, especially at an early age to prevent it from becoming a major problem for the pet’s coexistence with its owners.  If you feel that your feline is making you lose your mind with a very biting behaviour, … Read more

How to choose the most suitable cat litter: tips

The cat litter is the first, indispensable tool that you must equip yourself with when you decide to welcome a cat into the house. It is an indispensable space for the well-being and safety of the cat and its owners and must be managed with the utmost attention. There are different types of cat litter on the market. All perform different functions according … Read more

How to Train Your Cat to Use a Litter Box

In general, cats are less easily tamed than dogs, but getting your cat used to the litter box can be easy if you follow the right tips. Educating a cat about the litter box The litter must be placed on the opposite side from the bowls , to ensure that the four-legged gets used to its use, but does … Read more


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