Pain relievers for cats: benefits and side effects

Pain relievers for cats

Pain Relievers for Cats: Understanding the Benefits and Potential Side Effects Understanding how to manage your cat’s pain is crucial, as our feline friends can experience discomfort from various causes such as surgery, injury, arthritis, or disease. Recognizing the signs of pain can be challenging, as cats often hide their discomfort due to their survival … Read more

What are the diseases that affect the cat’s skin

We would always like the best for our pets, above all we would never want to see them suffer or feel bad, while they are struggling with disabling diseases and problems that can undermine their mood and overall well-being. The cat is a unique life partner, capable of demonstrations of absolute loyalty and affection. This is why it is always … Read more

Salmonella in cats: how to recognize the symptoms and treat it

Salmonella in cats is an infection generated by bacteria, of which it is essential to recognize the symptoms and causes in order to know how and when to intervene to treat it. In this article, we will learn the causes and to recognize the symptoms with which this infectious disease can occur, which can also lead to … Read more

Feline viral immunodeficiency (FIV): causes, symptoms, treatment

As reported in the article on FELV, feline retroviroses represent a group of diseases that play an important role in feline pathology. They are sustained by viruses called retroviruses due to the presence of an enzyme called reverse transcriptase. In this article we talk about FIV or feline viral immunodeficiency. It is a little known disease with many obscure points. The first target of infection is the  cells … Read more

Prolapse of the third eyelid in cats

WHAT IS THE TERZA PALPEBRA? The third eyelid is the common name that is used to refer to the nictitating membrane. It is a transparent eyelid which is found only in some animal species and which has a protective function. Man does not have it, or rather, we only have a vestigial residue of it in the corner … Read more

The muscular system of the domestic cat

Our beloved cat belongs to the felidae family, as a result it is a close carnivore. This physiological condition leads him to have to hunt prey smaller than himself and to have fast and frugal meals, resulting in himself being the prey of larger hunters. For this reason, in any movement, the cat is able to use almost … Read more

Vestibular Syndrome in cats

MEANING OF DISEASE: The vestibular system in cats helps to keep them upright in relation to gravity and the ground. It controls the muscles of the eye so that it can focus the images, and manages the movement of the cat to keep it in balance. Consisting of three semicircular canals of the inner ear. Within these channels … Read more

Feline panleukopenia: symptoms, diagnosis and treatments

DEFINITION OF DISEASE: Feline panleukopenia, also known as feline infectious enteritis or feline parvoviral disease, is a contagious and highly disabling disease found in small, unvaccinated kittens. Panleukopenia mainly affects highly reproducible body cells such as those of the intestine. It is caused by the parvovirus virus and causes vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, killing, and commonly death. CAUSES … Read more

Exophagitis in Cats: symptoms, treatment

Esophagitis is inflammation of the esophagus. The causes of the disease are many but none are related to age, sex and race. What are the causes? Knowing how to describe our cat’s symptoms well and report them to the vet will be of vital importance to be able to make a diagnosis of the disease. Specific diagnostic tests are needed … Read more

Feline chlamydiosis: symptoms, therapy

DEFINITION Feline chlamydiosis is an infection caused by a bacterial organism called Chlamydophila felis or C. felis. It is a particular bacterium as it reproduces only inside the animal’s cells, as opposed to all the other bacteria that live and reproduce outside. This disease is also commonly called pneumonia because it obstructs the entire respiratory tract, such as … Read more