Cat: should the water and food bowls be separated?

If you have just adopted a cat, you may have wondered whether your feline’s food and water bowls should be far from each other. Indeed, you already know that their bowls must be placed far from their litter box. Here is the answer! Yes, separate them! In nature, cats do not mix water and food. This means that the … Read more

Giving fruit juice to your cat: good or bad idea?

Your cat does not drink a lot of water, you may be wondering if giving them fruit juice could be a good way to hydrate them… Or your feline has drunk from your glass without you noticing it. In any case, find out in this article whether giving fruit juice to your cat is good for … Read more

Cats: 6 eating habits to change now!

When you live with a cat, a routine sets in, especially in terms of food. And yet, many actions that cat owners perform on a daily basis are in fact not, but not at all, recommended for the well-being and health of their hairball. Here are which ones! 1. Never switch diets It’s a mistake that many … Read more

Can cats eat anything other than meat?

You’ve probably heard that cats are what are called “strict carnivores”. But what does that mean exactly? That our feline friends can’t eat anything but meat? The answer in this article!  Feeding vegetables to a cat is like feeding meat to a cow By itself, adding a little fruit and vegetables to a cat’s diet isn’t going to … Read more

Choose a diet adapted to the age of your cat

Age is an essential factor to take into account when choosing food for your cat. Indeed, each type of food is composed differently in order to meet the needs of the cat at each stage of its life. By choosing to offer your pet a healthy and adapted diet, you offer them the chance to live longer … Read more

What are the benefits of insect croquettes?

While insect-based food for dogs has become commonplace, cat owners are still struggling to make the switch from insect kibble. And for good reason: the cat is considered a miniature version of its feline cousins ​​who inhabit the savannahs, or even the mountain peaks, and who are exclusively carnivorous. We often forget it, but Kitty is a … Read more

The advantage of grain-free kibbles

If you’re looking for the best kibble for your adorable cat, you’ve come to the right page. Indeed, we want the best for our kitty. We want them to enjoy it while having the right intake in order to stay healthy, and for that, you obviously have to choose the right kibble. On the other hand, this … Read more

How much should a cat eat?

How much should a cat eat is a question to ask because there are many overweight cats, especially in our apartments. One in three cats is. But it doesn’t take much, just pay attention to how much a cat has to eat to keep it healthy. The tendency is to exaggerate with the doses, compared to what a cat must eat, but … Read more

Cat nutritional needs

Cat nutritional needs, important because obese felines, if they depopulate in cartoons, in reality they suffer. Knowing the cat’s nutritional needs means learning to take care of our 4-legged friend correctly, perhaps spoiling him every now and then, but without affecting his health. Usually the tendency is to give cats too much to eat, especially if they live with … Read more

Nutrition of Ural Rex Cat: food, quantity and frequency of meals

Here is what the Ural Rex should eat to always stay strong and healthy: let’s find out together what is the best diet for this cat. The importance of the diet for the well-being of our four-legged friends is well known: the nutrients that the furry pets assimilate are essential not only to satisfy their … Read more