Cat litter allergy: causes, symptoms and remedies

Cats can be allergic to many things, in fact it is also possible to notice an allergy to the litter box in the cat. Let’s see what to do about it and which litter box is best suited for the feline.

There are many things that the cat can be allergic to, from flower pollen to food, but it can also happen that our beloved kitten may experience an allergy to its litter box.

This type of allergy is caused by the components of the litter, some substances are already present and are not artificially added such as clayrecycled newspaperspearls and even flavors that are used to enhance the color of the litter.

We see below the symptoms that this allergy causes in the cat and what we can do about it.

Cat litter allergy: symptoms

It must be said that the felines most prone to litter box allergy are older catskittens or cats suffering from viral immunodeficiency (FIV).

It is likely that cats who already suffer from some type of allergy may also develop a litter box allergy. The symptoms of this last allergy are the same symptoms caused by different allergens, we can divide them into:

Physical symptoms

  •  Diarrhea in cats
  • Swelling of the face from anaphylactic shock (contact your vet immediately)
  • Cough in the cat
  • Sneezing in the cat
  • Wheezing
  • Vomiting in cats

Behavioral symptoms

  • Scratches and bites during grooming
  • Scratches around the ears
  • The cat does not use the litter box and dirty outside
  • The cat licks itself a lot from the itch
  • More chewing

In case you notice these symptoms in your cat and have ruled out other types of allergies, it is advisable to replace the litter box, if the problem persists take the cat to the vet.

This type of allergy can be diagnosed through blood or intradermal tests.

How to prevent cat litter allergy

It is possible to prevent cat litter allergy by observing small attentions. Here are some useful tips:

Changing the cat’s litter box: It is advisable that the passage from one litter box to the other of the cat occurs gradually to make the cat feel comfortable. Be aware that changing the litter box does not solve the problem immediately, but you have to wait at least 2 weeks.

  1. Collect the cat’s needs: It is necessary to collect the cat ‘s needs from the litter box, even if some of them have scents to avoid smelling bad.
  2. Wash the litter box to reduce allergens.
  3. Bathe the cat: Washing the cat is advisable to remove the residues of the previous litter box.
  4. Take a hypoallergenic litter box: Choosing a hypoallergenic litter box is advisable as it is odorless, and does not raise dust, thus preventing the cat from becoming allergic.

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