Cat in the summer: why it has to eat fruit and vegetables

Do you want to help your cat cope with the summer heat that is now upon us? Here is which fruit and vegetables to include in your cat’s diet in summer.

Summer is synonymous with sunshine and outdoor walks, but there are downsides for our animal friends, primarily dehydration. So what better weapon than fruits and vegetables to fight the heat? But beware: not all summer types are good for our furry friend. Here is a complete list of summer foods that will make our cats lick there mustaches and also make the owner feel light-hearted, that we will not have to worry about his health.

The cat: a carnivorous animal

Let’s forget the image of the kitten drinking milk: the cat is actually a carnivorous animal so its need to eat fruit and vegetables is very limited. In addition, each cat is a story in itself so in general there are foods that are good for them, or at least they are not dangerous, but be careful not to overdo the quantities. In fact, not all summer foods, albeit fresh and natural, are suitable for our cat’s diet. Equally useful is to specify that each food mentioned in the list of recommended foods must be deprived of its internal seeds which, in addition to containing potentially toxic substances, can also obstruct the respiratory tract.

Feeding the cat in the summer: recommended fruit and why

Here are the fruits that we can buy fresh without the danger that our cat may feel bad. But be careful not to overdo the quantities: valid advice could come from our trusted veterinarian who will surely guide us in the choice.


Rich in vitamin C and fiber, but not only: the enzyme contained in them helps to keep the teeth healthy and shiny. But the downside is their quantity of sugars: strawberries are too full of them, so it is good not to abuse them to avoid diabetes problems.

Melon and watermelon

Tasty and colorful, these two fruits will certainly attract the attention and palate of our cat. In addition to containing a low amount of calories, they are also refreshing and provide proper hydration to the feline’s body. The amount of water contained in them helps our cat to quench his thirst and stay strong. Recent studies have shown the anti-inflammatory properties of cantaloupe, as well as a fair amount of vitamins, potassium, magnesium and folic acid.


If peeled and without the internal stone, peach is a safe summer food for our cat. Some might argue that peaches can easily induce food allergies: so to dispel any doubts it is good to do a little test and give it in small quantities the first few times and notice if there are problems. It is essential to remove the peel: on it there may still be traces of pesticides and other chemicals that are potentially toxic to humans and the animal that ingests them.

Feeding the cat in summer: the recommended vegetables

It is understood that each vegetable listed below must be cooked and boiled, not only to make it more chewable and digestible, but also to eliminate substances found in unripe vegetables and which are harmful to the health of the cat.


If boiled, these tubers can be safely administered to the cat, since the solanine, toxic to animals and humans, present in the pulp is significantly reduced. Once boiled and made easier to chew, the potato can accompany meals complete with white and red meats.


This vegetable, even raw, can be included in our cat’s meals: especially in case of magnesium deficiency, the ideal cucumber for its diet. Not only does it help keep your cat’s teeth healthy but it is also thirst-quenching. Your teeth will be healthier and cleaner, and your breath will also have a pleasant freshness. Furthermore, there is no danger of obesity since it is a fat-free food.

Green beans

Crunchy and tasty, green beans are usually very popular with our feline friends. In addition to containing a large amount of water, they are also rich in vitamins and fiber, and do not have an excessive calorie intake. So we can choose them as a premium snack to give to our cat and have him have an afternoon snack on hot summer days.


Even fresh green salad, if washed carefully, can be a valid help against the summer heat. In fact, the amount of water it contains helps prevent dehydration problems and also contains fibers that are good for the cat’s digestive system. This can be eaten both raw and cooked, although in summer it is certainly more suitable fresh to accompany the meat of its porridge.

Feeding the cat in the summer: fruits and vegetables to always avoid

Fruits and vegetables are not always good for them, indeed some types can be potentially harmful to our cat’s health. So let’s pay attention to the summer food we choose for his diet and how we use the foods to prepare his meal. Here is a quick list of foods that are easily available in the hot season but which should never be ingested by our feline friend.

Garlic and onion

Garlic and onion derivatives such as spring onions and leeks are also toxic foods due to the fact that they contain thiosulfate, a substance that destroys red blood cells and induces the risk of anemia. The list also includes chives: better to prefer the usual catnip!


Although there is no risk of finding good grapes on the market, it is better to be on your guard, you never know! This September fruit could cause kidney problems and kidney failure in our cat. Being a sweet fruit and with large amounts of sugars it could really please our feline friend, so it is good to keep it away.


This fruit contains a quantity of very harmful fats for the health of our cat: therefore, although it is tasty, the pulp is rich in persin, a poisonous substance for the health of our animals. It could also be a major cause of pancreatitis, and it’s one of the hardest foods to digest.

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