Cat fleas: natural remedies

Cat fleas: there are natural remedies, it is advisable to try them always by asking our veterinarian for advice. Because not all natural is effective and can even be toxic for our friend. But there are also very quick remedies that you can take as soon as your cat scratches itself more than usual. Cat fleas are very common but they are also beatable.

When we declare war on cat fleas it is also necessary to take care of the spaces in which our cat hangs out: they must always be clean and sanitized. You can start vacuuming often and frequently washing pillows, blankets, cat bed, rugs and anything else that appears to attract and harbor cat fleas.

Our friends go fishing in the garden, a small green lawn is enough to meet them and, once “on board” our cat, these parasites infect, as small as they are, half a house: from the kennel to the various carpets, cushions, sofas. And if the cat has a habit of staying on your bed, the fleas will certainly have no problems going up with him.

Natural remedies for cat fleas are first of all to be found in pharmacies and specialized pet shops where among the effective pesticides, there are also preparations with natural ingredients. Then we can undertake to prepare natural anti-flea do-it-yourself, at home, following the instructions given here and always discussing with the veterinarian. A good sense of observation of the cat’s symptoms and reactions is absolutely necessary. To pick up any sign of discomfort.

Cat fleas: liquid and spray natural remedies

Most of the natural remedies for hunting cat fleas are solutions with natural substances, to be sprayed or spread on the fur of our pet. We start from the toughest, or almost, at least for the smell, but it is also the most likely substance we can have at home. It’s the vinegar. Wine has a strong disinfectant power, you know, and if you dilute it in water by pouring the solution obtained on a soft cloth, you can use it to clean the cat’s coat.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used as vinegar with this “recipe”: two parts of apple cider vinegar and one part of water. With this formula you get a remedy against cat fleas that lasts for about 3-4 days.

From the vinegar, remaining in the fight against cat fleas, we move on to the mix of lemon and bicarbonate, prepared by boiling half a liter of water in a pot and then adding four lemons cut in half and continuing the “cooking” for about half an hour. At the end, 2 tablespoons of bicarbonate are added and it is mixed, left to cool and the obtained mixture, filtered, is ready to be used as a spray.

Aromatic decoctions are also similar to prepare and apply, and certain herbs have good success against cat fleas. For example of eucalyptus, sage and bay leaves. Boiled for 5-10 minutes in plenty of water, and left to cool, filtered and applied, they are a natural remedy against cat fleas of the simplest, convenient for rubbing the hair.

We end the proposals of natural remedies with oilsPeppermint essential oil works because it repels with its own smell, a few drops on the collar and it’s done. Neem oil is also used against cat fleas for its disinfectant properties: it can be used in drops on the coat directly or on a cloth to create a sort of collar against cat fleas.

Cat fleas: what they are

Among the many external parasites that annoy our cat friends, the most frequent and irritating are most likely fleas. These pesky little creatures can cause simple skin irritation or even a severe allergy that degenerates into cat flea allergy dermatitis. By licking itself violently and constantly, the animal also loses its fur.

If the cat is particularly sensitive, the flea can also cause miliary dermatitis, a rash that occurs with small itchy scabs. These parasites, also responsible for tapeworms and are carriers of the Bartonella bacterium.

Cat fleas: how to get rid of them from home

When you decide to eliminate cat fleas from their fur, you must also think about acting in its environment and not only on its fur. Therefore, interventions must be made in our home to thoroughly clean all the environments where our animals are most stationed. Especially for carpets, sofas and armchairs.

For example, we start by soaking curtains, blankets and sofa covers in a solution made of water and a sprig of rosemary or lavender, and then proceed with the normal washing. There is also the opportunity to make a trap to exterminate cat fleas with natural remedies.

These parasites are attracted to light, a dish of soapy water is placed under a lamp during the night to trap them. Fleas see in the light and drown: it applies to fleas in the environment, those on the fur do not move easily so it is necessary not to stop cleaning your cat’s coat and combing it with a comb, preferably with tight teeth.

When intervening on the environment of our feline friends, we must be very careful about their intolerances: they are sensitive to many foods and plants that can be toxic or even lethal. We always check what we use as a lotion, for example there are some “trivial” plants that can harm our cats: mistletoe, cyclamen, azalea, lilies, poinsettias, oleander and castor seeds.

Cat fleas: classic remedies

For the sake of completeness against cat fleas we also mention less natural remedies: the fight has no limits and always consulting the veterinarian it may be that the conditions require you to use, for example, some shampoos or lotions, flea collars for cats or a powdered pesticide.

Spot-on pesticides are very suitable for cat fleas: a minimal amount of liquid on the skin, between the animal’s shoulder blades, spreads to the rest of the body within 24 hours. Some of these products have also been designed to protect the environment, what is important is that they act quickly and have a long life.

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