Cat ear problems: what they are and how to cure them

Cat ear problems are common but should not be underestimated: let’s find out which are the main ones and how to cure them.

The cat, as well as the dog and many other four-legged animals, not only have an exceptional sense of smell but also have an excellent hearing system.

Thanks to the ears, the cat can hear the noises that prey makes when in nature it has to go hunting or it can pick up the sounds produced by its master, perhaps while calling him (cats recognize the voice of their owner) or prepare him to eat. Therefore the ears, as well as a thorough cleaning of the ear canal, are essential for our cat. So what to do when the cat has problems with one or both ears?

Cat ear problems, what are the most common causes and how to behave

If the cat scratches its ears, we notice a bad smell, oily substances come out or if scabs appear, our kitten has more or less serious problems with the ears.

The most common problem, as it happens for dogs, is otitis: in this case this must be treated immediately and in the best way and for this we recommend a good visit to the vet.

The other causes that often bring discomfort to the cat’s ears are:

1 . Acariasis: this is an infection in which there are white mites in motion. If we notice brown scabs, white dots moving in the ears, the cat shaking its head, surely the cat has this disease.

Acariasis can be treated: just insert oily substances into the cat’s ears once a day and massage gently. The effects and benefits will be noticed immediately, but the treatment must continue for as long as provided, which is at least one month.

2. Foreign bodies: if foreign bodies of any nature enter the cat’s ear, they will penetrate deeply causing severe pain. The cat will let us know by shaking its head and placing its paws near the ear where the unwanted object entered.

Don’t panic: let’s contact the vet immediately and avoid do-it-yourself treatments such as the introduction of oily substances that would make it more difficult to see the object in the ear or the cotton swabs that would push the unwelcome guest deeper.

3. Injuries or wounds: in case of injuries or wounds to the cat’s ears it is important not to neglect them even if they are small or superficial. They are treatable and often heal in a short time, but sometimes they form pus and require veterinarian care to remove it.

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