Can we give aspirin to the cat?

What helps the human being can harm the animal. Do the classics of human medicine also work for the cat? Can we give the cat aspirin? We read and learn what is best and healthy for our cat to do.

In the not very distant past, this drug was used to treat cats, considered a low-cost bactericidal agent. Additionally, aspirin has been treated used in animals with problems with increased blood viscosity. The problem is that acetylsalicylic acid for cats can be a strong poison.

It should be emphasized that when aspirin enters the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, it is metabolized and transformed into salicylic acid, and cats do not have the necessary enzymes in the body for its processing, even when they take a microscopic dose of aspirin, the drug continues to remain in the blood for two days and more.

So, if your vet still prescribes this medicine to your cat, be careful, carefully observe the dosage and how to use it. However, in modern veterinary medicine, the intake of aspirin by these animals is not encouraged at all, due to the high risk of cat poisoning.

Symptoms of poisoning in the cat that took Aspirin

What can aspirin in cats lead to? Symptoms develop very quickly. The pet’s appetite disappears immediately. In many cases, violent and prolonged vomiting, cat diarrhea and there is a risk of  internal bleeding. In severe cases, the pet owner may notice  blood leaking from  the cat’s anus.

In general, cats shouldn’t take aspirin, for the simple fact that even the smallest dosage can quickly develop  damage to the central nervous system. The cat seems to go into ataxia (lack of coordination of movements), as the cat begins to “get lost” in space, stumbles and bumps into the furniture that surrounds it, but even worse is when the animal suddenly faints.

If your cat takes this drug, monitor him carefully and constantly and watch for any quirks and pathologies in his behavior. If you notice the symptoms just described or something similar, immediately call a vet or take your pet to the clinic.

If you can, try getting  the cat to drink activated charcoal in hot water to quickly induce vomiting. Even the slightest delay in such a situation can result in rapid development of gastrointestinal bleeding and subsequent death. As you may have understood better, avoid giving aspirin to the cat, even if your aim is to help the animal.

Diagnosis and therapy

If you suspect  aspirin poisoning or if your pet swallows a drug without your knowledge, a biochemical blood test and urine check should be performed to determine the dose of the drug and the degree of danger to the animal’s body. Cats poisoned by aspirin always have severe anemia. ESR, viscosity and other blood parameters are altered.

Remember that after poisoning, the maximum prognosis period is definitely 12 hours after taking Aspirin. Before starting the treatment, for a better chance of success, as we have already said, it would be ideal to induce the cat to vomit.

It is essential that the stomach is cleaned as soon as possible so as not to allow the absorption of acetylsalicylic acid into the blood. After cleaning the stomach two or even three times, the cat should be given five to six (or even more) activated charcoal tablets to completely clear the gastrointestinal tract of remnants of the drug.

In severe cases, drugs are prescribed that promote healing of the intestinal and gastric mucosa to minimize the likelihood of developing ulcer damage and / or injury to the digestive system. In these situations, a blood transfusion is also indicated. The cat should be checked by the vet at least every three days during the treatment period.


Even if the cat seems cold to you, it is always best to let the vet intervene. Remember that aspirin is poison for our four-legged friends. It is used only in extreme cases, under the responsibility of a veterinarian and in any case under his constant supervision.

In short, remember that:

  • Cats tolerate paracetamol and acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) to the limit only at very low doses
  • Even a slight overdose leads to poisoning
  • An overdose has fatal consequences for the cat

Basically, pets should be kept away from human medicines. Especially cats react very sensitively to many active substances, even with small quantities. The cat’s reaction to paracetamol and aspirin is very often also strong. It quickly leads to death.

Therefore, stay away from the idea of ​​being able to heal your cat yourself, take him pretty straight to the vet. There he will be helped professionally and never let your meds be around the house. Regardless of whether he has swallowed birth control pills, sleeping pills or beta blockers, the consequences could be fatal.

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