Can Dogs Eat Bananas (…Yes)

Banana is a fruit that is available all year round. Dog owners are paying more and more attention to it due to the presence of vitamins and minerals. Is banana good or bad for a dog?

Banana contains vitamins C, B6, and from trace elements is rich in potassium, contains inulin.

If the dog is accustomed to plant foods from an early age, then he should like the banana because of its sweet taste. Inulin is a natural polysaccharide that acts as a prebiotic in the intestines, positively affecting metabolism and the growth of beneficial microflora.

Potassium stabilizes water balance and heart rhythm. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system, and vitamin B6 is responsible for the efficiency of metabolic processes in the animal’s body.

How can Dog Benefit from eating Bananas:

The benefits of bananas are undeniable, because they contain a number of substances important for the body:

  • potassium is needed for the normal functioning of the heart and muscles;
  • manganese for cell development;
  • copper is involved in blood formation;
  • Vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that regulates the immune system, protects the body from viruses and bacteria, and speeds up wound healing;
  • vitamin B6 regulates most of the processes in the body;
  • fiber guarantees good digestion;
  • amino acids are essential for normal development.

Many natural sugars and carbohydrates make bananas a source of energy for dogs, but they should not be overused. Initially, dogs were predators, and only after a close acquaintance with humans, their stomachs began to accept plant food on an equal basis with animals. A large amount of any fruit puts you at risk for obesity, allergies, constipation, or indigestion.

How to Feed Banana to your Dog:

As a rule, animals are taught to plant food from an early age – 1.5-2 months. New food is introduced into the puppy’s diet in small portions. This is necessary to make sure that your do is not allergic to the fruit. The signs of allergy may include redness of the nose, eyes, limbs, rashes in the form of acne, respiratory failure, swelling of the muzzle, hair loss. All these symptoms require contacting your veterinarian for first aid.

In case of an overdose of fruit, digestive disorders are possible: vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, increased gas production. To alleviate the condition of the pet and exclude the acute period of the disease, it is necessary to contact the veterinary clinic.

Banana is recommended to be included in the dog’s diet as a separate dish, some time after the main meal. It is better to take an unripe fruit that will not cause fermentation in the animal’s gastrointestinal tract. Before eating, the fruits must be peeled and cut into pieces.

If the animal is not accustomed to plant foods, then you can mix a small amount of fruits with the main food, which will help normalize digestion and avoid vitamin deficiency.

It is imperative to cleanse the fruit for the pet: before the counter, the fruit is processed in gas chambers with ethylene and the peel can be dangerous to the health of the animal.

It is undesirable to give your dog dairy products and fruits on the same day.

How Much Banana can a Dog Eat?

For miniature breeds, it is enough to include 1-1.5 bananas in the weekly diet, and use it in small portions.. Large breed dogs can eat one banana 2-3 times a week.

Can Puppies Eat Bananas:

The puppy can be offered to try a banana at the age of 1.5 months, when other vegetables and fruits are introduced into the diet. But if the baby refuses the sweet fruit, you should not insist. Some dogs hate bananas, and there’s nothing you can do about it.

Can Dogs Eat Banana Peel:

Although not toxic, the skin is difficult to digest and can clog the intestines. Therefore, you must make sure that the banana peel is out of reach of the dog. Especially if your dog has a habit of picking up the trash can, don’t throw it in the trash can where the dog is.

Drawbacks of Feeding Bananas to your Dog:

Bananas are high in sugar and are not recommended for dogs as part of their daily diet. It should only be given from time to time as a special treat. Also, the dietary fiber contained in bananas is not a problem if it is a small amount, but if you eat too much, it may not only help prevent constipation, but it may also cause constipation.

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