Can Cats eat Tripe?

Can a cat eat tripe? Let’s see what the possible benefits or risks that are linked to the consumption of this food.

If you thought that the only gluttons of our meals were dogs, you were wrong. There are other suitors for your treats. The cat, for example, is one of these.

It is not uncommon for the cat to find himself making sweet eyes around the set table, due to the strong smells that attract his powerful nose.

However, sharing our food with cats is not always the best thing to do.

Different, in fact, only the foods that can be toxic for the cat and also for those that apparently could seem feasible and not dangerous, even for those, it will be necessary to be very careful.

An example would be tripe, which is a salable product that is both raw and blanched. What are the differences but above all, can the cat eat tripe? Let’s find out together in the next paragraphs.

What is tripe?

Offal is the offal of slaughtered animals, cooked for food in popular cuisine, and tripe is also part of the offal.

But what exactly do you mean when it comes to tripe? Tripe is the name given to the stomach of some herbivorous animals, namely cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep and lambs.

Also inside the stomach there are different types of microorganisms and it is composed of four distinct cavities:

  • the omasum (Centupezzi, Foiolo, Libretto, Millefogli, Centopelli) shows countless white folds and is the leanest part;
  • Abomasum Or lampredotto (Rennet, French, Frezza, Lampredotto, Quaglietto, Ricciolotta the darkest and fattest part of the tripe and is brown in color. It is the only cavity equivalent to the real stomach, the one closest to the intestine;
  • the rumen (Ciapa, Croce, Larga, Panzone) is the thickest and fattest part of the tripe which represents about 80% of the whole stomach.
  • the reticle (Beretta, Cuffia, Nido d’ape) is aesthetically spongy.

Can a cat eat tripe?

The cat is an animal that likes very much the entrails of purely herbivorous animals. In fact, in particular, it prefers liver, heart, lung and tripe.

The latter is also a fairly economical variant but as regards the administration to be carried out to the cat, as much as it may be greedy, it must be no more than twice a week.

Experts recommend including 15% offal in their daily ration, preferably raw. The ideal would be to have it as dirty as possible since it is the gastric content that contains the bulk of the benefits.

However, it will be necessary to freeze the tripe in advance for 3 days before administering it, in this way we make sure to kill any parasites and bacteria that may contain the viscera.

The so-called “bleached tripe” is treated with chemicals that are not entirely healthy and can cause problems for the cat.

Recipes: Tripe casserole for cats


  • 100 gr. raw tripe;
  • 200 gr. messenger;
  • 100 gr. pumpkin;
  • 3 tablespoons of water;
  • sprig of thyme;
  • linseed oil.


First you need to cut the tripe and pumpkin into pieces of equal size and depending on how the cat is used to eating.

Take a saucepan and add 3 tablespoons of water, add the pumpkin and start cooking. After 5 minutes add the beef, tripe and thyme sprig.

Sauté everything quickly to allow the meat to cook on both sides. It will only take 5 minutes and then you can remove the saucepan from the heat.

Remove the sprig of thyme and put everything in the cat’s bowl together with a drizzle of linseed oil for the cat (rich in omega, useful for the cat’s health).

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