Can cats eat raspberry?

Fruit is not part of the natural diet of our little house cats, but some foods are fine for them. Can cats eat raspberry? Let’s find out together!

It is known that summer can be very hot, especially during the months of July and August. The remedies to protect yourself from the summer heat are different. These include eating summer fruit, suitable for serving fresh. Does it also apply to our cats? Not always, it always depends on the specific food and other factors that need to be taken into account. Let’s find out together!

Raspberry yes, raspberry no

Can our cat eat raspberry? The answer is yes, but with some clarifications to do. The cat has become a full-fledged pet, like the dog. But he retains his instinct and his nature as a hunter. Basically, it is a carnivorous animal, and its diet must consist of 90% meat.

What about fruit? You can feed your cat some fruits, but remember that in nature it is not part of their diet. And that is why it is always necessary to inform yourself before giving a new food to the cat, in order not to alter its metabolism and not cause any health problems.

What are the benefits of raspberry?

As mentioned, raspberries are not harmful to cats. Indeed, most of the little cats of the house find them to their liking, thanks to their bright color and their fresh and vibrant flavor. But there are no particular benefits to getting your cat to eat raspberry. Not from a nutritional point of view, as they do not guarantee the cat’s metabolism what it needs.

Surely they can be a very welcome snack, both to vary his diet from time to time, and because in general he appreciates the taste of raspberry. And during the summer it can also be a way to cool off from the summer heat. Just like us.

Are there any risks?

Undoubtedly, the risks are more than the benefits of getting your cat to eat raspberry. Do not worry, a small piece of fruit is absolutely harmless and does not affect his health. As mentioned, it is not a toxic fruit for him; it is the quantity of raspberries that makes the difference, and that could cause him some trouble.

The most common are stomach aches and abdominal pains, sometimes resulting in diarrhea. In severe cases, the damage can affect the health of the cat’s kidneys. It is always advisable to contact your trusted veterinarian, even if less serious symptoms arise.

Useful tips

While there are no particular benefits for your cat to eat raspberry, and the risks are different, this doesn’t mean that he can’t eat this summer fruit, as long as with the proper precautions. Let’s see them together:

  • No meals: Never give raspberries (and all fruit in general) as a substitute for a full meal. The cat’s diet must be specific as, unlike us, it is not omnivorous;
  • Just the right amount: Raspberries are perfect for a snack, helping to break hunger throughout the day. As we know, cats have to eat several times a day, and in small quantities. This does not mean, however, that he can always snack on raspberries. The right amount is 1-2 raspberries maximum twice a week;
  • Do not force the cat: do not insist if the cat does not like the fruit. Tastes are personal, and this also applies to our little parlor tigers;
  • Beware of greedy cats: if, on the contrary, they show that they like their taste, keep the raspberries well under control, not leaving them within their reach. He may eat more than the right amount when you are distracted;
  • Consult your veterinarian: if you have any questions, especially if you think your cat may be allergic to raspberry, do not hesitate to contact your trusted veterinarian.

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