Can Cats eat Pineapple?

This fruit is undoubtedly among the sweetest and tastiest in the world. But can cats eat pineapple? Let’s find out together.

Pineapple is one of the sweetest and most succulent fruits that nature offers us. And due to the numerous nutritional properties it brings to our body, it has become a fruit that is always present in our diet.

Due to its constant presence on our tables, we have often noticed a cat who, attracted by the color and scent of this fruit, wanted to taste a little.

But can cats eat pineapple? Let’s see together if the cat can eat it and if this fruit is so nutritious for us it is also for him.

Can the cat eat pineapple?

Cats are carnivorous animals, but giving them some fruit (of what they can eat) can only do them good.

As well as strawberries or apples or melon, pineapple can also be an excellent food for kittens, who are greedy for them. So to the question “can the cat eat pineapple?” the answer is yes”.

But we must follow an important rule: just like all the other fruits that your cat can eat, pineapple must also be introduced into its diet in moderation.

In fact, pineapple should not become a “dish” for the cat, but rather an addition to this. And the quantities must not be to the extent that we like, but fair and proportionate to the age and weight of our cat.

So yes, the cat can eat pineapple. And by paying close attention to the quantities and when to give it, we will ensure your body numerous benefits. Which? Let’s find out together.

The benefits of pineapple for kittens

The cat goes crazy for pineapple, and eating a few pieces not only satisfies his palate but brings numerous benefits to his body.

In fact, pineapple is a fruit rich in numerous beneficial substances, which are not only good for us but also for the cat. It strengthens the bones, is rich in vitamins and minerals, aids digestion, to name a few.

Let’s look individually at what are some beneficial substances present in this fruit and why they are good for the cat.

  • Water: we know very well that the cat is not a great drinker and pineapple is a food rich in water. Precisely for this reason, introducing it every now and then in the cat’s diet will do a lot of good for his organism, hydrating it and promoting diuresis.
  • Fructose: this substance, being a simple sugar, is very energetic. Its main activity is to slow down the absorption of other carbohydrates, guaranteeing more energy to the cat and for longer.
  • Magnesium and potassium: pineapple is rich in these minerals with countless beneficial properties for cats. They help in the formation of bones and teeth, and ensure the proper functioning of the muscles and nervous system.
  • Vitamin C: this vitamin is an excellent antioxidant, important not only for the immune system of our cat but also because it facilitates the absorption of iron.
  • Bromelain: is a proteolytic enzyme present in the stem of this fruit. Its main activity is to break down a certain amount of protein into amino acids. And precisely for this reason its main action is to aid digestion, favoring the best absorption of all the nutrients present in food. Other are the properties of this enzyme: it is an excellent mucolytic, treats inflammation, bruises and infections, supports the immune system, and can be a valuable aid for cats in the treatment of joint pain.

Of course, we reiterate the main concept: the cat can eat pineapple but moderately, to avoid getting nasty surprises.

How to make your cat eat pineapple and possible risks

Given the many nourishing properties of pineapple, we have confirmed that the cat can eat it. But following very specific rules.

Before feeling “free” to let our cat eat pineapple, it is essential to test the tolerability of the cat’s organism to this fruit.

Before inserting it in its diet, let our cat taste a small piece of this fruit, so as to check if it has any allergy.

Having established that the cat is not allergic to pineapple, we can start introducing it into his diet, and we reiterate this moderately. You may be wondering why we always use this term. Simple, for fundamental reasons.

First of all we must remember that the healthy and balanced diet of the cat involves the consumption of limited fruit and vegetables, about 15% of the cat’s diet, overdoing it would cause him grastrointestinal disorders.

Therefore, the “quantity” of pineapple to be introduced in the cat’s diet must be minimal. It must not represent a daily meal but a reward or at most a snack.

This is because pineapple contains a lot of sugars, simple sugars that if eaten excessively by cats can make them sick. Not only by increasing his weight a lot, with the risk of our cat becoming obese), but even generating him a form of diabetes.

Sweet, juicy pineapple with many beneficial properties can also be eaten by our cat. Yes, but moderately. And if you notice that your cat has eaten without your knowledge, it is good to contact your veterinarian.

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