Can Cats Eat Curry

Can the cat eat curry or is it a food that is harmful to its delicate health? Let’s try to understand if the spice can be offered to the cat or it is better to avoid.

In the kitchen we like to experiment and enrich dishes with many flavors that stimulate and satisfy our palate. Many times, we would like that even the cat could savor delicious and greedier dishes for his demanding palate, but it is not always possible to offer him foods and spices that we use in human nutrition. Many wonder, for example, if the cat can eat curry. Let’s try to answer clearly.

Can the cat eat curry?

Curry is a mustard yellow powder blend that is now used by many to add flavor to dishes, especially meats. This spice has many beneficial properties but is it also valid for the furry friend? Let’s find out in the article.

Curry is a fantastic thousand- year -old blend and can give many benefits to the body. This spice works as an anti- inflammatory: it relieves rheumatism and reduces liver fatigue and protects the stomach and intestines.

It is a rather common ingredient in people’s kitchens because, in addition to giving benefits, it flavors the food making it more attractive to the smell.

But the excellent properties of curry also exist for the feline or is it a dangerous food for its health?

We must know that in nature there are many herbs and spices with beneficial power for the cat but, as for us humans, not all of them are good for his organism.

Some of them can help a lot and protect the cat from health problems, taking them from time to time during a few meals. Others, on the other hand, can worsen your health with serious consequences.

Curry: the risks of the spice for the cat

In fact, herbs and spices that are healthy for the cat should be offered in moderation and care, under the advice of your trusted veterinarian.

As for curry, this spice is among those highly harmful to the cat. Being powdered, curry can trigger irritating effects and damage the animal’s lungs, especially if it is accidentally sucked in.

We are talking about a spice that, together with others such as cinnamon and nutmeg, should be prohibited for the feline.

The feline and food poisoning: other foods to avoid

As with spices, dangers for cats also creep in among other foods commonly found in our kitchens. Here is a brief list of those substances and foods that are harmful to your health, which should be absolutely eliminated from your diet.

As we have mentioned, there are many foods that can damage the feline’s organism and put his own life at risk, even for a minimal dosage.

Indeed, there are substances that if taken with a low dose can seriously worsen your health conditions. We are talking about beer and alcohol, unsuitable medicines and drugs, molds and tobacco.

Even when the cat is about to eat fruit, you must be very careful, not for the fruit itself but for the stones, which are highly dangerous as they cause intestinal obstruction.

Cooked bones are equally dangerous for the cat, as they pose a serious threat to his body: these can perforate his intestines.

When you have a dog at home, it is good to hear the advice of the expert before feeding a new or particular food, especially if you have little experience with his feeding.

Serious symptoms can immediately appear and the doctor’s intervention will have to be immediate to save the feline from tragic consequences.

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