Can Cats eat Cereals?

Can the cat eat grains, such as corn, oats or rye? Let’s find out if they are suitable for the cat’s diet or not.

Taking care of the cat’s diet, choosing a diet that is respectful of its nutritional needs, is the first fulfillment to be put in place to protect the health of the feline and prevent the onset of diseases. Therefore it is good to inquire about what we can give to the cat: for example, can the cat eat cereals? Let’s find out together in this article.

Which diet for the cat?

When it comes to the cat’s diet, we don’t have much choice about what diet to follow. No to vegan or vegetarian diets for the cat: the little cat is a carnivore, and therefore meat will be the main dish of its menu.

The other categories of foods therefore have residual space in the cat’s diet: we are talking about fish, particularly appreciated by cats, eggs and fruit. And what role do cereals play in the cat’s diet?

Can the cat eat cereals?

The question can be answered in different ways, depending on the meaning with which it is intended.

If the question is asked whether the feline can occasionally eat cereals without fear for its health, the answer is yes: there is no danger of cat poisoning. The only thing to watch out for is the amount of cereal served; even if it is occasional consumption, an excessive amount could cause intestinal problems to the little feline.

If, on the other hand, we mean whether it is possible to include cereals permanently in a cat’s diet, the answer is no. These foods have an insignificant nutritional supply for the animal, in the face of the great risks associated with constant intake over time, such as obesity and feline diabetes.

The cat needs to derive its energy sources from proteins and fats of animal origin, being unable to do the same with vegetable sources. For this reason it is recommended to avoid cereals in the cat’s diet.

Some useful tips

Meat must make up at least 90% of a cat’s diet; this however means that there is room for a residual 10%, which is useful for integrating its basic diet with other types of foods. However, it is also true that we must give priority to fish, a food more similar to meat and actually preferred by the feline.

Occasionally it is possible to feed the cat eggs, fruit, and even cereals. As for the latter category, it is necessary to prefer foods that do not contain excessive seasoning, which can harm the health of the feline.

For example, for corn, it is preferable to remove the kernels from the cob, rather than serving the canned one. Pay attention to the quantities: they must always be small, so that the animal cannot experience any digestive problems.

The ideal moment is the cat’s snack, particularly useful for stopping hunger before arriving at the main meal. Don’t forget to always serve fresh food – cereals are no exception.

Whenever you let your cat try a new cereal (corn, oats, wheat), give it only a small piece and observe its reaction: it is always good to be cautious, since the cat could be allergic.

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