Can cats eat blackberries?

While fruit is not part of a cat’s natural diet, some foods are also good for him. Can cats eat blackberries? Let’s find out together!

Summer has many fruits to offer: from watermelon to peach, from blueberry to raspberry; fresh fruit to serve, ready to be enjoyed in the height of the summer heat. Very often we are tempted to share our little snack with the cat, at least to refresh it, but it is always good to inquire first if the food could be harmful to him. Can cats eat blackberries? Let’s find out together!

The feline diet

Even our cat must have a balanced diet, which is respectful of its nature and therefore its well-being. As we know, it is essentially a carnivorous animal. Just think that 90% of his diet must consist of meat. Furthermore, it is always good to remember that fruit is not part of the natural diet of the cat.

This means that the free cat in nature does not come close to any fruit, and prefers its small and frequent meals made up of small prey. In short, even the cat has its own eating habits. But for the pet it can be different.

Attention: its nutritional needs always remain the same. We are always talking about a carnivorous animal. But, especially at snack time, it can happen that the cat can eat human food: it is always good to find out first what the cat can and cannot eat.

More yes, more no

But are blackberries bad for cats? The answer is no, the cat can eat blackberries, without any risk of poisoning. But it is always the amount of food that makes the difference. So the key word is always moderation. Never alter the food balance of the animal, however with a food that is not part of its natural diet.

The advantages

Blackberries are a summer fruit that, in addition to being a tasty food, have many beneficial qualities, some of which are also valid for cats. First of all, these are fruits with an insignificant caloric intake. In short, you won’t risk putting your cat’s ideal weight in danger with a snack of blackberries.

They are also very healthy for your immune system, rich in vitamins (A, B, C, E and K), many minerals, including iron and potassium, and antioxidants, which help prevent feline cancer. In short, there are several advantages related to the properties of this fruit.

The risks

Despite the great benefits cats can have from eating blackberries, there are also risks that cannot be ignored. Blackberries, like all fruit, are not part of a cat’s natural diet. And this is a balance that absolutely must not be altered in any way.

In short, the cat’s main diet should continue to consist of 90% meat. Furthermore, the cat’s digestive system may not be used to the assimilation of foods such as blackberries. In short, especially with excessive portions, the cat could experience indigestion, resulting in stomach pain and abdominal pain.

In the worst cases, diarrhea and vomiting could also occur in the cat.

Some useful tips

Here is a series of tips to keep in mind:

  • Watch out for portions: as mentioned, the key word in these cases is moderation. Give your cat small amounts of blackberries from time to time. A small snack (no more than three blackberries at a time) at most twice a week may be fine;
  • Always rinse the fruit: the origin of the fruit is also very important, especially when it comes to purchased foods. They could be treated with chemicals, which are harmful to your cat;
  • Snacks only: never give blackberries to the cat in place of a full meal, and always respecting the prescribed quantities;
  • Observe the cat: When you first give him blackberries, carefully monitor how he reacts. The cat may be allergic to the fruit;

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