Can cats eat beans, peas and lentils? Here are the benefits

Legumes are part of our diet, playing an important role on a daily basis but can our cat eat beans, peas and lentils? Here are the benefits for his health but also what precautions to take in order not to damage our cat.

Legumes are foods that especially lately are often present on our tables. As a side dish or paired with a little pasta, they represent a complete meal, rich in vitamins and energy and decidedly more dietary than many other alternatives.

Could we then try to give our cat legumes such as lentils, peas and beans? We know that it is the cat, being a carnivore, has a diet mostly based on proteins and legumes are an important source of it. But is this enough to make them safe food for our domestic feline?

Can cats eat beans, peas and lentils?

Legumes are not potentially lethal foods for our cat but, since the cat is not an animal that feeds mainly on vegetables, it is not the case to abound with the quantities of lentils, peas and beans but it is better to leave room in its diet. to another type of protein which are animal ones.

As for beans specifically, they could cause a slowdown in the cat’s digestion and if ingested in excess they can cause an accumulation of gas in the stomach of our cat, which could cause discomfort and sometimes even pain. 

So remember that foods that are not bad for the cat but are not the first choice for him can be safely consumed but without exaggerating with the quantities

Beans, for example, have advantages in the cat’s diet, in fact they are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamin B6, all important substances for its health.

Instead, avoid canned beans or green beans because, as a preservative, a disproportionate amount of salt is added to them, especially for a cat. In fact, cats are animals that are at risk of sodium poisoning if it is ingested in excessive quantities.

Even washing them under running water, canned beans and green beans would still contain too much salt for the amount tolerated by the cat. So it is preferable that you give the cat only beans cooked by you and remember not to excessively salt them and perhaps use a lower amount than what you would use for yourself. 

Can we give the cat peas and lentils?

Even peas and lentils are foods that are not easily digested by cats but as they are not toxic for cats and they also contain magnesium, vitamin B6 and iron, such as beans, if given in moderation to the cat, they can become an important ally for him. 

Peas are often found in many preparations for cats, proving that these are not dangerous for our four-legged friends, so avoid giving peas to the cat when they are already ingesting them through industrial preparations with recipes for cats.

Conclusion: So in conclusion we recommend that you give your cat lentils, peas and beans from time to time as in small quantities they are important for his health. Remember instead not to overdo the quantities as they would remain indigestible to your four-legged friend. Above all, remember not to buy canned products, which often contain a high amount of sodium for your cat that would be high even if you were rinsing there. This could be a great opportunity to cook something absolutely healthy for you too. 

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