Can Cats eat Apples?

Felines are carnivores, but fruit can often be added to their diet. But among the various fruits, can cats eat apples? Let’s find out together.

Cats are very picky about their diet. But very often, since they became pets, they are interested in human food. In fact, their curiosity sometimes also leads to requesting a taste of his human’s food.

However, there are some foods that can be good for your cat and others that can cause damage to its health. Let’s see if cats can eat apples.

Can the cat eat the apple?

It is well known that felines are carnivorous animals, but, with veterinary advice, it is possible to add fruit and vegetables to the cat’s diet.

The fruits that cats can eat are many, including apples. In fact, the latter is very nutritious and thanks to its characteristics and properties it is recommended for almost all types of animals.

The feline can derive many benefits from this fruit, but we must also pay attention to the possible risks that may arise in case of the wrong intake of the apple by the cat.

Benefits of apples

The apple, as we said earlier, has many nutritional properties and the cat can derive many benefits from taking this fruit. In fact, apples being rich in water can hydrate our four-legged friend, stimulating his kidneys and favoring diuresis.

In addition, the calcium and the vitamins A and C contained in this fruit are an excellent aid to keep the tissues and bones of the cat healthy. Thanks to its fiber and low sugar content, apple is recommended for older cats, cats with slow metabolism and overweight cats.

Finally, even the peel of the apple can be ingested by the cat, as it contains phytonutrients, which are antioxidants and are useful for reducing the risk of cancer in cats.


As much as apples may be good for our beloved cat, there are some parts of this fruit that are dangerous for the kitty. In fact, when you offer the cat a piece of apple, it is necessary to eliminate the seeds. This is because the latter contain a substance, amygdalin, which in contact with the cat’s intestine can turn into hydrogen cyanide, which is poisonous. The latter prevents red blood cells from absorbing oxygen.

All this happens if the cat ingests a large amount of seeds. So if your cat has ingested any seeds, don’t worry but be careful not to let it happen again.

The amount of fruit offered to the feline can also be risky. In fact, it is advisable to give only a few pieces of apple to the cat, as a greater quantity could create problems for the animal’s stomach and digestive system.

How to feed apples to cats

You can offer your cat the apples as a snack, cut into small pieces, remembering to remove the seeds. You can also puree the apple before giving it to your cat. Making sure that it is organic, if you decide to remain the peel, and eliminating the seeds as if they are broken they can expel the poisonous substance.

It is important to remember that before adding a new food to a cat’s diet, it is necessary for the cat’s stomach to get used to it. For this reason, offer the apple to your four-legged friend little by little.

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