Can Cat eat Chestnuts?

Chestnuts are an autumn food loved by everyone, including animals. Let’s see if the cat can eat chestnuts.

Chestnuts are small autumn fruits much loved by humans, they can be cooked in many ways and are a real benefit for the human body.

It may happen that while you are preparing chestnuts, one falls on the ground and the curious cat approaches and eats it.

Could this cause any damage to the feline? Let’s see in this article if the cat can eat chestnuts, perhaps in your company.

Can the cat eat chestnuts?

It is important to know that chestnuts are not toxic for cats and therefore could be consumed by cats.

But it should be kept in mind that the chestnut is a fruit with a floury pulp that could clog the cat’s stomach as the animal has difficulty digesting the food.

In fact, given their consistency, chestnuts could cause intestinal obstruction in cats. In this case the cat must then undergo a surgical operation to empty the stomach.

This situation rarely occurs as it could only happen if the cat makes an excessive use of chestnuts, it is therefore necessary to keep the feline under control.

How to give chestnuts to the cat

It is important that the chestnut that you want to offer to the cat is cooked in the right way, in fact it is necessary that the fruit is boiled and without any addition of salt.

Instead, it is advisable to avoid giving the cat chestnuts that have been boiled in salted water or those used for the preparation of some dessert. In fact, excess sugar and salt must be eliminated from the cat’s diet at home.

In conclusion, if the cat eats chestnuts in very few quantities, it is advisable to give him a maximum of one, and if these fruits are cooked in the right way, without saltsugar or other condiments, there is no cause for concern.

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