Can a cat be allergic to pollen?

Can cats be allergic to pollen? How can we understand this? What can we do about it? Let’s find out together.

With the onset of spring, allergies often begin. Specifically, we can note how some people can have discomfort due to pollen.

Very often those who live with a pet wonder if a disorder or ailment that a human being can have can also occur in his dog or cat.

Today we will see specifically if the cat can be allergic to pollen, just like humans, and if so what should be done.

Pollen allergy in cats: symptoms and causes

Just like humans, cats can also have a pollen allergy.

While some felines develop this allergy when they become adults, others have symptoms as early as kittens.

But how can we tell if our beloved feline is allergic to pollen? Symptoms of pollen allergy in cats are very common:

  • He shakes his head
  • Nibble on her legs
  • Cough in the kitty
  • The feline sneezes
  • Cat scratches skin and ears
  • Lethargy
  • The cat scratches its eyes
  • Rhinorrhea
  • He retched
  • Excessive tears in the eyes

In the event that the cat has an allergy to pollen and it is not treated, the cat may scratch so much that it can cause skin lesions and consequently have skin infections.

Causes of allergy

When our four-legged friend inhales or comes into direct contact with pollen, his immune system triggers an inappropriate response. This response is manifested by inflammation of the cat’s skin or ears.

If I don’t have plants or trees nearby that release pollen, how can a cat be allergic? The pollen can fly for kilometers, entering our homes through windows, or leaning on our clothes when we go out and take it home with us on your return.

In this way, even without plants or trees that release this substance, our beloved felines can still suffer from this allergy and present the symptoms listed above.

Pollen allergy in cats: diagnosis and treatment

Because pollen allergy symptoms are similar to the symptoms that occur when a cat is allergic to other environmental allergies, fleas, or food, your vet may conduct preliminary tests.

In addition, the specialist will need any kind of information about your feline, such as: change in diet, litter, exposure to chemicals.

Then the vet will carry out blood tests on the cat, to rule out any pathologies and to identify the presence of antibodies indicative of pollen allergy. Finally, the specialist will also carry out a skin allergy test.

Once the cat pollen allergy is diagnosed, depending on the severity of the symptoms, the vet will prescribe the right therapy.

In case of mild symptoms, the specialist may simply advise you to keep the feline indoors. In case the symptoms are severe, he may prescribe antihistamines.

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