Calcium deposits in the urinary tract of cat: symptoms, causes and treatment

Among the diseases that can affect felines, there are some that can affect the urinary tract. Let’s see together what urolithiasis is in cats.

Feline urolithiasis is nothing more than the presence of stones in the bladder and urethra of the cat. This pathology is very common especially in elderly cats.

For this reason it is advisable to hydrate the cat and provide it with the right food. But let’s see together what are the symptoms of urolithiasis and what are the causes and treatment.

Calcium deposits in the urinary tract: symptoms and causes

Urolithiasis is a condition in which stones, usually composed of calcium, form in the urinary tract. These stones can be small or large.

When the latter rub against the wall of the cat’s bladder, they cause inflammation. Depending on the size of these small calcium “stones”, symptoms can range from less severe to more severe.

The main signs of this pathology to keep under control are:

  • Frequent and painful urination
  • Blood in the cat’s urine
  • Swollen abdomen (caused by inflammation of the bladder)
  • Reddened genitals
  • Chronic urinary tract infections
  • Urinating all over the house


Urolithiasis in cats is mainly caused by an excessive level of calcium in the urine of our four-legged friend.

High calcium levels can be caused by:

  • Taking calcium supplements
  • Excessive protein in the cat’s diet
  • Insufficiency of vitamin B6
  • Always eat dry food
  • Excessive levels of minerals (phosphorus, ammonium, magnesium)

In addition, there are some breeds of cats that are predisposed to contracting urolithiasis , namely: Scottish Fold, Persian and Ragdoll.

Urolithiasis in cats: diagnosis and treatment

The vet will first ask about the cat’s health history.

He will then begin to feel the cat’s abdomen, as sometimes the stones can also be felt through the wall of the abdomen.

It will also carry out various tests including:

  • Urine analysis
  • Blood analysis

In addition, the specialist could also perform ultrasound and radiographs of the cat’s bladder, kidneys and abdomen to highlight the size of the stones.


Depending on the size of the stones in the cat’s bladder, the treatment changes.

In fact, when the stones are small, a catheter will be inserted inside the bladder, useful for eliminating the stones that are present on the wall of the latter.

In the event that the stones are large and block the urinary tract, surgery should be performed.

If, however, despite the stones are large they do not block the urinary tract, it is possible to eliminate them with lithotripsy, i.e. the use of shock waves that break the stones into small pieces that are then expelled with the urine.

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