Burmilla Longhair Cat health: common diseases of the breed

Here are the common diseases of Burmilla Longhair: what they are, how to spot them early and what to do to protect your cat’s health.

The first way to ensure that our furry cat ​​lives long and happily by our side is to regularly monitor his state of health. The Burmilla Longhair is predisposed to the onset of some common diseases: let’s find out what they are and how to fight them.

Common diseases in Burmilla Longhair: the complete list

The Burmilla Longhair belongs to a breed of recent origins, the result of the fortuitous union between Persian Chinchilla and Burmese.

Although this cat has inherited the best qualities from its ancestors, the Persian has transmitted to the new breed the predisposition to develop some pathologies affecting the kidneys.

In general, however, the constitution of this cat tends to be good; just think, in fact, that its average life span is between 12 and 15 years.

Among the common diseases in Burmilla Longhair are:

  • Kidney stones;
  • Obesity;
  • Polycystic kidney disease.

Kidney stones

Among the common diseases of Burmilla Longhair are kidney stones.

These are struvite crystals, calcium oxalates and other materials that cause the cat’s urinary tract to become inflamed. Among the main symptoms of the pathology are:

  • Pain and difficulty in urination;
  • Blood in the urine;
  • Inappropriate urination.

How are kidney stones treated? Depending on the triggering cause, it will be possible to intervene with a drug therapy and possibly the change of diet of the cat, which must be based on the administration of medicated feed.


Obesity is one of the common diseases of Burmilla Longhair. This cat, in fact, is predisposed to the accumulation of excess weight.

How to tell if a cat is obese? The cat has an excess of fat on the abdomen, legs and tail.

Due to the weight, moreover, he can have breathing problems and have difficulty moving, as well as present joint pain.

Obesity is a very serious condition, which in turn can give rise to a number of other diseases, such as:

  • Skin disorders;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Cardio-circulatory diseases.

Of course, to prevent the onset of this pathology it is essential to take better care of the Burmilla Longhair.

To know everything there is to know about it, check out this article.

Polycystic kidney disease

Finally, the polycystic kidney pathology closes the list of common diseases of Burmilla Longhair.

It is a hereditary disease that involves the formation of cysts on one or both kidneys. Initially, the growths are small in size and do not cause the appearance of particular symptoms.

Over time, however, the cysts enlarge and impair normal kidney function. The main manifestations of the pathology are similar to those of renal failure:

  • Halitosis;
  • Nausea;
  • Slimming;
  • Increased thirst and urination.

Unfortunately, there is currently no cure for this disease.

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